

New Born Pup
Jun 9, 2020
Reaction score
Sorry - another question! Just spoken to the rescue and they only have one pair of girls, one of whom is long haired. They were abandoned there after someone left them there to go on holiday. About 1 year old and used to people. Would we be mad to go for a long-haired breed as first time owners? Are they more difficult to care for well?
Definitely not mad! They require grooming and a haircut sometimes (depending on the type of piggy) but don’t let it put you off! Some piggies are happy to be groomed but others are not so keen, it all depends on how the little girl feels about it!
I love long haired piggies (which is funny when I currently have three short haired ones!). Good luck with the adoption :D
You wouldn’t be mad but they do require a bit more care in the form of brushing their hair daily to ensure mats don’t form, and keeping them hair trimmed particularly around their bottom. But also a more thorough trim in summer to ensure they don’t get too hot
I have a long haired boy!
Yay. DO post photos once they're settled in :)
Brilliant, sounds like a nice rescue :D
I wasn’t the most amazing piggy hairdresser but think my Sheepy forgave me bless him! He wasn’t too keen on the grooming when I first adopted him but didn’t mind after a while, especially as he knew he’d get tasty things for being a good boy too!CB94F559-1004-49B6-867E-B18327160E19.webp

Definitely post pics, we love those! :D
My Betsy is long haired. She needs a summer trim but the weather has turned cooler and I wanted to wait until her fur had grown back as she had HUGE ovarian cysts and had an emergency spay in the middle of Lockdown. Have a look at the guide @Siikibam has linked in. . Betsy is the star of the show! It took af few years until she would sit calmly while I clipped her though. First of all I had to have someone hold her so she wouldn't wander off! Hope you find my guide useful.
Zinny is a long haired piggy, hates being groomed! We check him daily for any matting and if there is a little cut does the job. There has been times when the matting is very close to the skin and in those instances we wait till the hair grows to cut the Matt off. He hates being trimmed by the bum area and constantly moves whilst trimming. Once settled with veggies then we cut cut away. He also smells the hairs that have been cut, I just think he's a little drama queen. 💁‍♂️
I think it’s great that the rescue will show you how to groom and trim. As long as you keep the bottom end short then you are less likely to have issues. I’ve had long and short haired piggies and never found it too much trouble to deal with. I have invested in a pair of pet hair clippers and that has made grooming easier at times.