Long Haired Piggy With Sensitive Rear End

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
Oxford, UK

One of our girls is a longhair - we didn't realise when we got her but she just got hairier and hairier. She is 2 now so we have been on a bit of a learning curve with her.

We groom her, clip her fur and bath her. I particularly like to keep the hair round her rear end short as it is often wet and smelly. The problem is that she hates having her bum touched for grooming or clipping - even if I don't pull at all. She makes a 'meep' noise then frantically scrabbles up me to get away from the dreaded scissors/comb.

Having read a bit on this site, I am wondering if there could be an issue with the gland (which I have never found) or could it be something like nappy rash from pee ? We use a puppy shampoo -should I get something from Gorgeous Guineas ? I don't want her smelling too different though as we are trying to bond a new boar with her and her sister.

Any advice very gratefully received as it is bath time tonight.
Not sure about using puppy shampoo, I would only use piggy shampoo on mine.I had a texel that hated being groomed especially her back end and my Peruvian isn't mad keen.You could always bath all of them in same shampoo so they all smell the same, might even.help the bonding process.
Some piggies are sensitive about their back end being touched. Two of mine were sensitive due to fungal issues, detectable by flaky skin and small clumps of hair coming out with a flake of skin attached. The best shampoo I have found is VETSECT from Millpledge.
It may be that your guinea pig just doesn't like her bottom being touched. I have a very tame piggy, but even he isn't keen on having his bottom touched, and he's short haired so have never experienced brushing or cutting of hair around there. Basically what I'm saying is that there may be nothing wrong with her, but it would be best to visit a vet if you are worried, particularly if you can see any signs that she has a problem.
You do need to clean grease gland so it could be thatvor as others state it could be fungal or mites or lice. I would through ly check her for bits of flakyskin or dandruff or bblack bits stuck to hair shaft. If none of these present she may just be that way. I actually have cut both my long haired so they resemble short haired so I dont need to brush as often. the greaee glad is just about where tail would be :)
Not sure about using puppy shampoo, I would only use piggy shampoo on mine.I had a texel that hated being groomed especially her back end and my Peruvian isn't mad keen.You could always bath all of them in same shampoo so they all smell the same, might even.help the bonding process.
Good point - thank you
Some piggies are sensitive about their back end being touched. Two of mine were sensitive due to fungal issues, detectable by flaky skin and small clumps of hair coming out with a flake of skin attached. The best shampoo I have found is VETSECT from Millpledge.
Thank you - I will look that shampoo up. I don't think she is fungal but I will have a good look tonight.
You do need to clean grease gland so it could be thatvor as others state it could be fungal or mites or lice. I would through ly check her for bits of flakyskin or dandruff or bblack bits stuck to hair shaft. If none of these present she may just be that way. I actually have cut both my long haired so they resemble short haired so I dont need to brush as often. the greaee glad is just about where tail would be :)
Thank you - I will give her a thorough examination tonight.
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