Lonely piggy


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2022
Reaction score
Hi all,
I have posted a couple of times about my boys Eddie and Eugene who had to be separated after fighting. They are now in their own cages next to each other and Eugene seems quite happy on his own but we are starting to worry about little Eddie ☹️ He doesn’t seem quite himself and looks sad in his cage all alone. We are not sure what the best thing to do is as I don’t really want to put him through neutering (and I’m guessing we’d have to get Eugene done too in case of accidents if we were to get a sow even if they weren’t living together?) but are worried that if we find him another boar friend that they would fall out down the line. We categorically do not have space for another cage so if they were to fall out again someone would have to unfortunately be rehomed. Is it worth putting him through surgery to get him a lady friend? I have been looking at local rescues and they seem to only have single boys to rehome at the moment and I’d be reluctant to buy a baby sow from a pet shop because I’m guessing she would end up on her own eventually due to the age difference (our boys are a year old). Eddie seems happy when he’s running around having floor time and we are giving him lots of extra cuddles but I’m just worried about him during the day when we’re at work. He is eating and drinking but seems to be more picky than before and has gone off certain veg. Any advice is much appreciated x
Would the rescues be willing to have Eddie for boar dating so he can choose his friend? That way when you bring them home (after several hours), they’re past the initial acceptance and can settle into their new digs.

Neutering him is an option. Boars - when in their teenage years (4-14 months) can be trickier to bond with another boar, but it’s not impossible. Hence the choice by some rescues not to bond a teen with another boar.

Have a look at the list I’ve linked to below and get in touch with those that are around you. Hopefully you can find Eddie a friend soon. Some piggies are okay living as neighbours while others really do suffer if they don’t have a ‘live-in’ friend.