Lonely piggy?

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New Born Pup
Sep 2, 2012
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I have three sows, and I'm becoming increasingly worried about one of them being 'left out'. The two little ones are about three months, and when one of them is seperated, and then put back (even for very short periods), there is a lot of squeeking and fidgeting. One also seems to be constantly left on her own, whereas the other two snuggle up to each other. She has hip problems, and finds it hard to keep up with the other two, which makes the sight even more tragic :(

As I'm writing this, I'm starting to think i might be reading too much into their behaviour, but I'm quite worried that this isn't normal, and the third piggy might get distressed. Any advice from people far more knowledgable that me would be helpful! :)
I found the same when I had three so I got five! I do not think there is anything you can do other then get another piggy if you have the space.
I had three sows who I thought got on really well but as the youngest grew that changed. I noticed she was looking left out and at times they weren't very nice to her. I decided to add a fourth and it was the best thing ever!
All four gel together really nicely, they have all accepted Daisy as a baby very well. Even Bonnie and Lottie the two sisters who always pecked at each other now love each other and share nicely.

I'm sure you wouldn't regret adding a fourth-it gives you a nice size little herd :)
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