Lonely pig


New Born Pup
Sep 18, 2024
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Hi! I have a single girl that I adopted about 5 months ago named Sammy. She’s very settled in and happy but I really want to get a friend for her.

I tried adopting a second one from a shelter and the two of them got along ok during the initial introduction besides normal dominance behavior. but as soon as I put them in their pen at home (with washed fleece to make a neutral area) there were nasty fights and I ended up having to return the new pig:( turned out the rescue neglected to tell me the guinea pig I adopted was blind. I don’t know if that could have contributed to their failed bond or not but it was a very heartbreaking experience that I really do not want to repeat.

I know that Sammy used to be a classroom pet and that leads me to believe that she has grown up her whole life alone and may be used to it. But I have also read that even though guinea pigs seem happy alone, they could be even better in a pair. I was recommended getting a young guinea pig for her to be able to establish dominance over. However I'm just extremely scared to have that first situation happen again. So, should I leave her be as a solo piggy or should I attempt to bond her with a baby?

Welcome to the forum

How old is she?

So it sounds as if they did a speed date at the rescue?
How long were they together for the initial introduction at the rescue?
When you brought them home did you put them straight into Sammy’s cage (albeit fresh fleece)?

If they were only together a short time at the rescue, we recommend that when you get them home that you do not put them into the permanent cage. They need to go back to neutral territory at your home (somewhere Sammy did not see as her own space) for many more hours to continue the bonding process before being moved to the cage.
When it’s time to move to the cage, rub the cage fleece with bedding from the neutral territory to make both their scents be in the cage.

It is possible her background is not doing her any favors but after only one (failed) attempt I would personally not yet resign her to the rest of her life alone. I would continue to try to find her a friend.

As an alternative, do you have space for two cages?
I ask as even if Sammy does not bond with or want to share territory with another piggy, for her, living alongside another piggy (or even having a bonded pair in a separate cage) which enables through the bar piggy communication and companionship for her is better than not seeing another piggy