Lonely Guinea Pig


New Born Pup
Sep 26, 2018
Reaction score
Hi :) A little backstory first... Last year I adopted 2 baby guinea pigs, unfortunately several months later one of them passed away and we were left with 1. So we bought another guinea pig to keep him company. Just as of yesterday, the 2nd guinea pig that we bought passed away suddenly and now there is one left, once again :( I am hesitant to get another one because well, as you can see I haven't had the best experience in the past. But also I know guinea pigs can get extremely lonely by themselves. I've considered giving him away to a good home but the thought of it really aches my heart. What should I do?

I’ve heard people talking about fostering a mate for a lone pig long term, and passing it back to the rescue when their piggy dies. Could that be an option?
Do you live anywhere near a rescue?
Some of them do boar dating but the main advantage is that they will have been health checked.
It’s a hard place to be so remember that you are grieving and be gentle with yourself
Hi Angela so sorry for you losses. I had a bad time earlier this year. I lost my 18 and half year old dog then Marlow my guinea pig died after becoming very weak after losing weight (the vet could not find a cause of weight loss) and then losing my wonderful Amos because of complications following tooth abscess issues. I was left with just one guinea pig Granville and as I was unwilling to take on further guinea pigs I thought I would be able to give him more attention and he would be OK. How wrong was I. He became very reticent and quite. He would not come out of his hidey and although he was eating I knew the quality of his life was not as good as when he had a previous companion Marlow (who lived in same indoor run) and then Amos who lived separately but near Granville. I saw a Forum member asking about rehoming her 5yr old guinea pig. I was lucky enough that Streaky was transported all the way from Birmingham to York. Initially he lived side by side with Granville and both seemed quite happy in the C and C runs. However I tried bonding them after Streaky had been living here a few weeks and they have never looked back. Granville has gained a fresh interest in life and both obviously get on with each other. But whatever you decide to do I hope things work out well for you. Val x