Lonely Guinea Pig? Please Help! :(

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 5, 2016
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Hi there,
so..where to begin.Well,i had a male guinea pig named Gulliver who i bought as a single many years ago.He seemed lonely so i bought him a baby boy who i named Mr Boo bonting (yes,terrible name but i was 13) anyway,so as Boo aged i encountered multiple dominance issues.They would fight constantly,and so i ended up having to separate them due to nasty injuries (deep wounds,a missing tooth etc) Now Gulliver has died..well actually around a year ago.Boo has been living alone and my mum is convinced he's happy.I have told her and my brother that he is most probably lonely and depressed however they really think he is incapable of feeling like this since he's 'only a guinea pig'.I try my absolute best with him.He has 2 rabbit runs that i attach to make a large single,so he has lots of room to play in the garden with his tunnels etc.Recently i changed his cage around so it is one level 6x2 c&c...however my mum has told me to put him back into the smaller cage because she doesn't want to live in an animal house...he still has a lot of space and fresh hay to eat etc.It makes me sad that my mum is more concerned about her home looking 'animal' (for lack of better term) over a living beings quality of life...Anyway,what should i do? i feel like 5 is too old to be neutered...and frankly i cannot afford it since i don't have a job.Ive been looking for a spayed female in rescues however they are so hard to come by.Does anyone know any rescues in the Uk that have any? i don't want to get him a young baby because I'm moving within the next 3 years to a different country in europe and so it would be inconvenient...also,i don't have room for more than one other and so it would inevitably continue in a cycle.Can i bond an adult male? i really don't want him to bw lonely :(((((( sorry this post goes off topic here and there.I was thinking of getting a male to coexist? issue is my mum doesn't like the one cage let alone having two.I could move them into my bedroom but my mum isn't keen on that either..any suggestions would be much appreciated thank you :( for background on his behaviour; he sleeps most of the day,and waddles around the house in the evening.He enjoys running around the kitchen and wondering into the living room whilst we watch tv.
Hi there,
so..where to begin.Well,i had a male guinea pig named Gulliver who i bought as a single many years ago.He seemed lonely so i bought him a baby boy who i named Mr Boo bonting (yes,terrible name but i was 13) anyway,so as Boo aged i encountered multiple dominance issues.They would fight constantly,and so i ended up having to separate them due to nasty injuries (deep wounds,a missing tooth etc) Now Gulliver has died..well actually around a year ago.Boo has been living alone and my mum is convinced he's happy.I have told her and my brother that he is most probably lonely and depressed however they really think he is incapable of feeling like this since he's 'only a guinea pig'.I try my absolute best with him.He has 2 rabbit runs that i attach to make a large single,so he has lots of room to play in the garden with his tunnels etc.Recently i changed his cage around so it is one level 6x2 c&c...however my mum has told me to put him back into the smaller cage because she doesn't want to live in an animal house...he still has a lot of space and fresh hay to eat etc.It makes me sad that my mum is more concerned about her home looking 'animal' (for lack of better term) over a living beings quality of life...Anyway,what should i do? i feel like 5 is too old to be neutered...and frankly i cannot afford it since i don't have a job.Ive been looking for a spayed female in rescues however they are so hard to come by.Does anyone know any rescues in the Uk that have any? i don't want to get him a young baby because I'm moving within the next 3 years to a different country in europe and so it would be inconvenient...also,i don't have room for more than one other and so it would inevitably continue in a cycle.Can i bond an adult male? i really don't want him to bw lonely :(((((( sorry this post goes off topic here and there.I was thinking of getting a male to coexist? issue is my mum doesn't like the one cage let alone having two.I could move them into my bedroom but my mum isn't keen on that either..any suggestions would be much appreciated thank you :( for background on his behaviour; he sleeps most of the day,and waddles around the house in the evening.He enjoys running around the kitchen and wondering into the living room whilst we watch tv.

Hi and welcome!

it is great that you care so much about Boo!

The best way to find a new character compatible companion is by dating Boo at a rescue that allows your bring him to find a companion of his own choice, so you bring home only a new mate if acceptance has happened. That way you can avoid personality clashes as the baby boars goes through the hormonal teenage time between 4-14 months of age before boars reach a hormonally more settle adulthood. The rescues we recommend all rehome only healthy/quarantined boars and they support you during the life of their adoptive piggies, so if there are problems with getting on at some point, they will help you work out the situation.
As boars mellow with age, finding another adult boar of Boo's liking may be a better option.
Perhaps your mum will also find this solution better, as it avoids all the usual pitfalls that can get into when buying guinea pigs from a shop.

However, good rescues that offer this service are not everywhere within convenient reach, so you can help us to help you by please telling us your country, state/province or UK county, so we can help you with recommendations. We have members from all over the world. Please do not go any more specific like that as you are a minor.
We have got a recommended good standard rescue locator on the top bar, but can provide a link for rescues in some other countries.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.Sadly Boo has now passed away.He became very ill suddenly and we took him to the emergency veT where our only option was to put him to sleep.He lived a long and happy life.In future we will be adopting a rescue group (around 5) to make sure loneliness is never a possibility.Thankyou again :)
Already missing the little guy terribly.
I'm so sorry about Boo. :( You were doing a great job taking care of him.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.Sadly Boo has now passed away.He became very ill suddenly and we took him to the emergency veT where our only option was to put him to sleep.He lived a long and happy life.In future we will be adopting a rescue group (around 5) to make sure loneliness is never a possibility.Thankyou again :)

I am ever so sorry; I hope that Boo is popcorning and doing all the boarly stuff with Gulliver at the Rainbow Bridge! You are welcome to post a tribute to your boys in our Rainbow Bridge section if or whenever it feels right for you. We all grieve in our own ways.

I find the first days after a loss always the hardest as they bring home all the unthinking little ties that we have shared with a beloved one in a jarring way and you only realise then just how much a beloved piggies has been integrated in your life. Retraining yourself to not do all the automatic things takes time... and it is such a joyless task.

If you find letting go hard, start a diary into which you write your feelings, but also whatever memories of Gulliver and Boo come into your mind, the little snippets as well as the big ones. Hopefully over time the diary will bring home just how much of your boys is actually still there in your precious memories. As you have written them down, they cannot be lost. ;)

Otherwise, you have to give yourself time; there is no shortcut to the grieving process. It the other side of the coin called love. We have to grieve as much as we have loved. It is the shade to the light of the love an joy that our pets bring into our lives... but without the shade, the light cannot truly shine at its brightest. :(

All the best for your plans for a future group! It can be quite an adventure.
I had convinced my mum to adopt more guineas to keep him company,infact I've been in contact with a local rescue centre who offer bonding services.As I've mentioned,he has passed away now so this thread is no longer relevant to me.In future I will be keeping larger groups to avoid this ever happening again.Thankyou though!
Here are some photos of the boys.Boo is the multicoloured piggy.May he rest in peace! Thankyou for the support everyone.They were an absolute joy.




Most recent photo I've got of him! Poor soul :(

Most recent photo I've got of him! Poor soul :(

View attachment 61461
Oh he's such a little sweetheart.... Even though you can't keep him forever, you will always have special memories. I enjoy looking at pictures of my past piggies, it's bittersweet, but even more special now.
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