Junior Guinea Pig
Hi, i couldn't think what to put as the title to fully describe my scenario but that will do! SO i have a herd of 10 sows and a pair of boars one is 2.5 and the other is around 4 months (testosterone spike time). My older boar used to be bonded with a pair of sows that started the herd but i bonded him (successfully) with my baby boar so the baby wouldn't get lonely. The herd grew but alas the relationship with the boars has not, they started to hate each other, ending in a couple of fights, once i saw a big scratch on older boar i decided enough was enough, they had separate everything, plenty of room etc they just didn't like each other. I did a trial separation and the older boar seemed happy again so i dated and bonded him back into the herd, as you can imagine he's ecstatic! Baby boar however is now very depressed and is off his veg etc, they were in a separate shed so i've put baby in a large cage about 4 ft above the herd, he perked up significantly but i'm all too aware this may also drive him mad. My intention is to neuter him in the spring and he can start his own herd but what should i do with him until then, i feel really sorry for him......should he just suck it up for a few months?! Any ideas/advice appreciated!