Lone guinea pig


New Born Pup
Apr 23, 2019
Reaction score
Hiya all. Ive got a bit of a situation. I foster guinea pigs for the local rescue and I've had a long term foster for a while. she's about 4 years old (give or take) She's on meds so can't be rehomed therefore I put her in with my piggies however my last piggy has recently passed (yesterday) and I'm unsure what to do. I don't want another long term piggy for myself as we have just had a baby and have my hands full with little one. I don't want to give up foster piggy but there is space within the rescue for her to go to other foster carers. She could potentially be an aunt at my house to incoming rescues that are solo until a match is found for the solo ones. Would that be mean tho to keep adding a different piggy and then removing? Any advice please? I want to do what is best for the guinea pig as we have always treated her as one of our own and tbh with her being on medication I didn't think she would out live my seeming healthy piggy 🙈
Aw bless. I don’t know the answer but this will bump your question so that one of the experts might see it. It’s so hard to know what to do for the best sometimes.
Each new introduction is stressful and in my experience piggies prefer stable groups and a stable environment.
But of course in any rescue setting you find changing partners. That can't be helped because in the best case it's only a short transition to the piggies' forever home where they will find stable settings again.

That's not an answer to your difficult question of course. Because either way it's a difficult decision.
I wish I had an easy answer for you, but I am sure that you will do what is best and right out of your obvious love for your girl.
Gosh that’s a hard one? Would side by side living be ok for her, that way she will have company through the bars. Unless the rescue can find that extra special home with a ready made herd who has experience looking after piggies who require extra special care

Good luck 🤞