Loft Or No Loft?


Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
I haven't had a loft for a long time, but with Peppa and Porridge here it reminds me they're a lot younger than Ginny and therefore more eager. I think they'd enjoy the loft and I'm in the c&c remoldeling mood lol.

Do you have any elder pigs who use the ramp or refuse to? If he doesn't, I plan on putting hay downstairs anyway, but just wondering
I built a sort of a loft using a breadbox and other recycled objects and my pigs immediately enjoyed running upstairs and downstairs. I put some food upstairs and they go there only for searching hidden pieces of pepper, I guess...
I think you can try to remodel the cage, put their preferred food upstairs and wait and see what happens!
Thanks :) I ended up adding a tiny upstairs rather than a full out loft. Picture is not fully up to date as I added a curved side on the left of it
Looks nice :)!

My guineas have a loft, but neither really use it. Pemba is quite young and can use the ramp easily, but he doesn't really like going up there as there isn't much to do apart from sleep. Sometimes I find him up there in the day, but they always cuddle up at night. Oreo really struggles using a ramp and is quite old so I don't force him. They have everything they need downstairs anyway so the loft isn't needed. I only have cosy times and a couple of spare toys upstairs.
I am putting in my second loft soon. The girls are 5 and 3.5 years old. They both seem to like the ramp and loft but it took a year. I am working on making covers for the ramp. I purchased a second loft and patio set up. I plan to remodel soon! I will post a photo of the set up when I finish it for Jen and Lo.
I found the lofts get the most use if you turn them into the "hay room" and it also keeps hay from getting everywhere else in the cage. Win win.
Two of mine took to the loft literally the second I put it in. The other took about 5 minutes. Like @Squeakz I put their hay up there to keep the rest of their cage tidied. My three are young though.
@rome_italy I have always loved your original use of that bread bin! Makes me smile whenever I see it and your simply gorgeous piggies using it :love:. Thanks for making my day!:D
:)):)):)) you cannot imagine the face of friends and family when I explained which use I had in mind for that bin!
Luckily the piggies appreciate it although they are grown up now and cannot move easily in there...