Locust Bean Pod Treats - Warning

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Preston, UK
Hi everyone just had a scary moment with Daisy!

Back story, yesterday I got a bag of Locust Bean Treats from Wilkinson, I've been trying to find a dried treat food that the girls like (and failing) so I decided to give these a try.

The girls liked them, I was just handfeeding them a couple and Daisy suddenly started 'heaving' and shaking her head - I scooped her up (the first time she has let me pick her up without a serious protest) and had a look, she had one of these treats wedged in her mouth, behind her front teeth and sticking out each side and it was stuck in good. I managed to gently wiggle it free, and she is fine, calmed down when I held her for a few mins. I checked in her mouth again once she was calm and there was no sign of damage, teeth were fine etc and she readily accepted some coriander and lettuce. She's fine now but it was a bit scary! I just wanted to warn people to help prevent this happening to anyone else's piggies!

Wow, that is scary. To be honest I wouldn't bother with the dried treat food, I'm never sure of the content but I do give mine some occasional herby treat and they hoover it up very quickly and so appreciative of it.
I have never seen these before but thank you for the warning!

Kasper and Quinn got dried corn on the cob stuck to their teeth so I don't buy it anymore.
I had the same scare once with Bumble and sunflower seeds - one was wedged firmly between his two bottom teeth.
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