Local farm hay vs. online supplier


New Born Pup
Apr 10, 2024
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Hi everyone,

I initially bought my piggies a selection of meadow hay and Timothy hay from Nature's Own online and they have been happily munching that for the last month. Today I popped to a local farm and they sold me a HUGE bale of meadow hay for a fraction of the price. It looks so different to the other stuff but I gave given them a sample and they seem happy enough chomping away at it - for reference, the local farm hay is much paler in colour and much thicker, longer strands, the online hay is much greener, thinner and shorter pieces. I just want to make sure I'm giving them good quality food - if the farm stuff doesn't look good enough I will go back to the online supplier. Any thoughts?


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My piggies have farm hay too. They love it. It looks very much like the one you have. As long as it smells nice and fresh its fine. Hay develops a mushroom smell when it is stale.

I still buy hay from Nature's Own but just add a handful or two as a treat.
Mine are farm hay piggies, they love it and it’s local and organic. I do buy the occasional bag of fancy expensive hay as a supplement but to be honest are both happily with no preference. My local hay is expecting ally nice at the moment, better than the expensive stuff
Ok brilliant! I wont worry then - it just looks so different I wasn't sure! Thanks for the advice!