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Squeak Dreams

Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Essex UK
Hi I'm a New Guinea pig owner I got my girlies on Friday night and they will run when I go into the cage which I can understand but how long will it take them also when I go to pick them up they squeal as if they are in pain but I know I'm not hurting them and also they via rate a lot I need answers ! Also how you tame them
It could take days, weeks or months, it just depends on the guinea pig, as they're all different. Hand feeding and talking to them at their level will earn their trust. Patience & bribery with food will win them round eventually! I would leave them to settle in for a few days before trying to handle them too :)
My Truffles is nearly 5 and screams as if you are murdering her when you pick her up - but will then happily sit on your lap. - you have a perfectly normal pig!
I agree, it does take time, some longer than others all depending on their life history, rescue/handling/nervousness of mother and siblings...some adapt quicker than others. My little Mowgli is a right skittish one, I just think it's his genetic make-up, I anticipate, he'll take a year of handling to stop squirming when picked up, and probably another year or two to come to me normally, from my experience anyway.

My original foster girls were the same...took them 2years in total to wander over the side of the cage for food, but it really does depend. It's patience and same routine that will win the day....but by Jove, it's super rewarding when it's done!
I agree, it does take time, some longer than others all depending on their life history, rescue/handling/nervousness of mother and siblings...some adapt quicker than others. My little Mowgli is a right skittish one, I just think it's his genetic make-up, I anticipate, he'll take a year of handling to stop squirming when picked up, and probably another year or two to come to me normally, from my experience anyway.

My original foster girls were the same...took them 2years in total to wander over the side of the cage for food, but it really does depend. It's patience and same routine that will win the day....but by Jove, it's super rewarding when it's done!
Thank you
Also my piggies don't seem to be drinking out if their bottle and I check what should I do to make it appealing g to them
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