Living world eco - large - 3 females - yes or no


New Born Pup
Aug 6, 2019
Reaction score
Currently have a living world eco large 118cm L x 78.5cm wide, which did house 2 female GP's one died recently and we have been on the hunt for a friend for the surviving sow. We have found a pair of sows at a rescue and have been informed that we could rescue one or both. Preference would be to rescue both but I think the Living world hutch comes up just short of the minimum . But our survivor is getting to the stage of needing a friend, As the hutch is already in the lounge, we don't want to extend out any further, would adding a C&C level as a kitchen sort this as a potential problem. Thoughts,
I’m not sure whether that would be big enough for three guinea pigs (but I could be wrong). As for adding on a c and c level, I’ve read other posts and done a bit of research myself that have all said guinea pigs need a large flat area to be able to run around in and that adding an extra level doesn’t have the same effect. I’ve recently bought a 2x5 cage from c and c and my two boars love the flat area to zoom around in!
Hope this helps!
I'm not sure the space would be big enough for 3 sows. The minimum guide is 150x60 which is slightly smaller than the measurements you have provided but what internal space does your cage provide? As the internal floor space is usually very different to the external measurements. Also it's worth noting that the recommended floor space would be 180x60cm which is larger than what you have to offer. As said above additional levels don't count towards additional floor space and you end up losing floor space based on where the ramp needs to go etc