Living inside in summer and out in winter?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 22, 2016
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The title may sound weird but ill get my reasoning

Basically up until this year my pigs have always lived outside either in a hutch in a shed or then a wooden playhouse
When my pig was having bloat issues earlier this year I ended up keeping him in so to keep an eye on him, fast forward I get him a new freind, fast forward again they had some issues and i'm going to have to attempt a re-bond

My reasoning for considering this option is it can get real hot in the playhouse in summer and now my one pig has bloat issues I can't just put them on the grass somewhere and let him eat whatever he wants and besides if its usally to hot in the playhouse it means it probably to hot on the grass so they would have to come inside
Another reason is my cats spend most of summer outside in there catio/enclosure so I don't havr to worry about them with my pigs but in winter when there inside alot more I would have that extra worry

Its much easier to keep something warmer than trying to reduce heat, and the playhouse is bigger than what I can offer inside (its 6x4 ft)

Is this a stupid idea? if so tell me now so I don't spend money on insulation or anything that needs reparing
This not a stupid idea and my situation is similar, although they only temporarily come indoors in summer rather than fully moving indoors.
My boys live in a 8x6 ft shed year round but like yours it gets hot in summer. They go out into their run during the day when they can but into the house (in a 2x5 c&c) when the lawn is also too hot.
They will move into the house during heatwaves (such as this coming week.). There are times when they don’t go back into the shed at all for a couple of weeks, even at night, as it doesn’t cool down enough during heatwaves.
I don’t have any problem keeping them warm enough in winter.
The only thing to be very careful of is that you get them out of the house and back into their playhouse early enough in late summer/early autumn so they can acclimatise to the gradual cooldown outside in preparation for winter.
It could work. But what you have to consider is that they would need to be moved back outside before it starts cooling, so they can acclimatise slowly to the changing weather.

Are you able to offer the minimum space for boars inside? And when they’re inside the playhouse, do they live in a hutch or is it open? And what will you do if they refuse to go back together?
This not a stupid idea and my situation is similar, although they only temporarily come indoors in summer rather than fully moving indoors.
My boys live in a 8x6 ft shed year round but like yours it gets hot in summer. They go out into their run during the day when they can but into the house (in a 2x5 c&c) when the lawn is also too hot.
They will move into the house during heatwaves (such as this coming week.). There are times when they don’t go back into the shed at all for a couple of weeks, even at night, as it doesn’t cool down enough during heatwaves.
I don’t have any problem keeping them warm enough in winter.
The only thing to be very careful of is that you get them out of the house and back into their playhouse early enough in late summer/early autumn so they can acclimatise to the gradual cooldown outside in preparation for winter.
Re assuring to hear
Yeah it would probably be a more scenrio like yours id hope i.e. staying when its just to hot
It could work. But what you have to consider is that they would need to be moved back outside before it starts cooling, so they can acclimatise slowly to the changing weather.

Are you able to offer the minimum space for boars inside? And when they’re inside the playhouse, do they live in a hutch or is it open? And what will you do if they refuse to go back together?
The playhouse was and would be all theres, I just treat it like a stable and fill all the floor space with shavings
If re-bonding is unsusessful I would have to divide it down the middle so they can live side by side for the time being

Ideally being boars I would have liked them living in there from the start but as I said Ive had other issues to consider
All the best with the rebonding. I hope they behave. 🙂