Junior Guinea Pig
Took Miss Capybara to the vets last week after a very quick weight loss and some poops that were extremely large (I would liken the size of them to a woman giving birth). Vet has said she is as sure as she can be (without running diagnostics) that she has liver failure (guinea pig expert). Told that it was best to just offer supportive care until the time came where Miss C decided otherwise. She has been on Metacam daily and seems to have perked right up. She has put on a little bit of weight and seems almost back to her usual self (aside from being thinner). Notice this morning that she has a cloudy patch in the top of her eye. Have given it a check over and can't see anything in it. I have given it a little wipe over and she doesn't seem bothered by it. Will obviously take her to the vets again (they are currently booked right up for the next week). It very well may just be coincidental (can't seem to find any links about the liver & eyes) but wondering if anyone had any ideas?