Little Snowy

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
Had first cuddles tonight. He's a nosey thing, and he makes similar noises that Smudge makes. I am wondering if he is dominant, or just curious? Do submissive piggies explore?

He reminds me of Smudge with his personality. I put him back in his cage and he pop corned.
Had first cuddles tonight. He's a nosey thing, and he makes similar noises that Smudge makes. I am wondering if he is dominant, or just curious? Do submissive piggies explore?

He reminds me of Smudge with his personality. I put him back in his cage and he pop corned.

It sounds like he is just curious and happily exploring his new world. Submissiveness has nothing to do with it - both dominant and submissive piggies can people-friendly or people-shy, curious or wary. ;)
Blesss little Snowy... popcorning with happiness already, i love when they do that, it's really cute! :nod: :luv:
He really is amazing. Such a mischievous character! And too cute for words!

He's bolder than the girls were, and I'm aware that he has a small cage. I am thinking of cleaning the pen and giving it to him so that he can run around more readily every night. The girls have a 2x5 c&c cage to run around in, and they don't do much in it nowadays. Even when on me they flop on me in gangly sprawls, only moving to turn around or to give my fingers more licks. I love cuddle time :yahoo:

He will be moved to the back room near the girls cage after 2 weeks, but I feel guilty because he is on his own. He's currently munching on a huge pile of hay in the corner of his cage. I chai can barely keep my hands from him.
My submissive piggy is very adventurous, noisey and curious and my dominant piggy is quiet, shy and conservative (I'm presuming she's the strong silent type). Seems strange, but it appears to work somehow.
My girls are the other way around, although Poppy loves cuddles. She is simply adorable when she pancakes, and she will lay on me for hours. She is the submissive one. Occasionally she licks me. Smudge, the dominant one, is curious and likes cuddles but will lick me for ages.

Snowy is just something else. He's stolen my OH's heart...

My girls are just the best for cuddles. I hope that Snowy becomes a cuddle monster, but if not that is fine.
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