New Born Pup
My little Lily is super sick, we went to the vet and it was said that she had a brain tumor and suggested euthanizing her was best. But we decided not too. She is basically paralized in half of her face. She drools on the left side of her mouth, can't breathe on left nostril, and has a severe eye infection in the left eye. I am also suspecting that she is deaf in ber left ear. She is around 5 1/2, what do I do? She is my first pet. And I forgot to mention, she also tilts to the left so we suspect the eye got infected because she was laying on bedding and it scratched her eye, but she couldn't blink. She is taking pain killers, eye drops, and powdered hay perscribed by the vet. The eye is severely damaged and I have NO CLUE how to add photos of her here. if someone knows how please explain to me.