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Little Lily's sickness :(


New Born Pup
Mar 17, 2022
Reaction score
United States
My little Lily is super sick, we went to the vet and it was said that she had a brain tumor and suggested euthanizing her was best. But we decided not too. She is basically paralized in half of her face. She drools on the left side of her mouth, can't breathe on left nostril, and has a severe eye infection in the left eye. I am also suspecting that she is deaf in ber left ear. She is around 5 1/2, what do I do? She is my first pet. And I forgot to mention, she also tilts to the left so we suspect the eye got infected because she was laying on bedding and it scratched her eye, but she couldn't blink. She is taking pain killers, eye drops, and powdered hay perscribed by the vet. The eye is severely damaged and I have NO CLUE how to add photos of her here. if someone knows how please explain to me.
I’m sorry that Lily is so poorly :( She sounds in a bad way.

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I know you probably don’t want to hear it but if she is suffering, perhaps euthanasia is the kindest option for her (((hugs)))
Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about lily, unfortunately by the sounds of it she is very poorly...its up to you as an owner to make that decision...all I can give you is some hopeful healing and my own experience....I had to make the decision for Butters last year...he got an eye injury (suspected his cage mate did it) then the first vet wasn't very good, when we got to a new vet he suggested all he could do was give him a constant supply of eye drops and remove the eye...he later got an ear infection...again we were given antibiotics and pain killers...after around the 3rd time of an ear infection it was clear something else was wrong...the vet suspected an abscess behind his eye that had ruptured...he was clearly suffering at that point with puss coming out of his noes, breathing difficulties and not eating...I chose to have him go over the rainbow bridge as he was suffering and didn't deserve it...this was all within 6 months...I was devastated but he had fought hard enough...it will be one of the hardest decisions you have to make...but its also the one that's filled with the most love and kindness as you are truly putting your piggy before your own emotions.
Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't responded, I got locked out of my account and forgot the password. Anyways, a few months ago, Lily passed away peacefully in here sleep. She lived a year above normal life expectancy, and may her soul rest in peace.
Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about lily, unfortunately by the sounds of it she is very poorly...its up to you as an owner to make that decision...all I can give you is some hopeful healing and my own experience....I had to make the decision for Butters last year...he got an eye injury (suspected his cage mate did it) then the first vet wasn't very good, when we got to a new vet he suggested all he could do was give him a constant supply of eye drops and remove the eye...he later got an ear infection...again we were given antibiotics and pain killers...after around the 3rd time of an ear infection it was clear something else was wrong...the vet suspected an abscess behind his eye that had ruptured...he was clearly suffering at that point with puss coming out of his noes, breathing difficulties and not eating...I chose to have him go over the rainbow bridge as he was suffering and didn't deserve it...this was all within 6 months...I was devastated but he had fought hard enough...it will be one of the hardest decisions you have to make...but its also the one that's filled with the most love and kindness as you are truly putting your piggy before your own emotions.
Hello! I am so sorry for your loss. I want to assure you that she died very peacefully in her sleep. Hopefully our guinea pigs are running, eating, and popcorning together in heaven. God bless you, and I am sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry that Lily is so poorly :( She sounds in a bad way.

To add a photo, go to the ‘attach files’ button in the green box in the bottom left hand corner of the screen when you write your reply.

I know you probably don’t want to hear it but if she is suffering, perhaps euthanasia is the kindest option for her (((hugs)))
Hello! Lily has passed away peacefully in her sleep. She lived a good life, one year passed life expectancy. God bless!