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little hoots!

Myana :D

New Born Pup
Nov 30, 2022
Reaction score
hi! So I just cleaned my guinea pigs cage and he started hoot hoot hooting! and he stops for awhile and then does one hoot and it repeats. this is the first time this has happened! he's wheeking he's popcorning he's eating he's drinking but there's still some hoots, does anyone know what this may be? 😊 should I wait til the morning to see if it continues?
What kind of bedding is he on?
Dust from bedding and hay can irritate piggy airways. Piggies only have narrow airways so any sound coming from the nose can be caused by dust and will be heard.
If it is dust in the airways then a sneeze will clear it.

Any crackly breathing or noises from the chest require a vet check.
What kind of bedding is he on?
Dust from bedding and hay can irritate piggy airways. Piggies only have narrow airways so any sound coming from the nose can be caused by dust and will be heard.
If it is dust in the airways then a sneeze will clear it.

Any crackly breathing or noises from the chest require a vet check.
he is on unscented "small care fresh " bedding and I can't tell if it's chewing or popping noises on his chest
What kind of bedding is he on?
Dust from bedding and hay can irritate piggy airways. Piggies only have narrow airways so any sound coming from the nose can be caused by dust and will be heard.
If it is dust in the airways then a sneeze will clear it.

Any crackly breathing or noises from the chest require a vet check.
I also think it's safe to mention I sprayed some "air deodorant? " to help with compressing the smells of his pee and etc, I hope I didn't spray too much and it's bothering him 🙁 he isn't hooting at the moment
Please don’t use any air fresheners, sprays, perfumes, candles etc in the room where piggies live. Such items can cause irritation to piggies airways and they have a very sensitive sense of smell.

If you find his cage is smelling of urine badly, then ensuring wet hay and bedding is removed daily will help
Please don’t use any air fresheners, sprays, perfumes, candles etc in the room where piggies live. Such items can cause irritation to piggies airways and they have a very sensitive sense of smell.

If you find his cage is smelling of urine badly, then ensuring wet hay and bedding is removed daily will help
oh okay I'll keep that noted.. will he be okay? this is my first time using this spray and the first time he's ever done this noise
If it has coincided with you using the spray, then it is likely it is the spray which has caused it.

You should see a vet if it doesn’t settle though
If it has coincided with you using the spray, then it is likely it is the spray which has caused it.

You should see a vet if it doesn’t settle though
are there any at home remedies to help before it starts to settle? I want to avoid this at all cost
are there any at home remedies to help before it starts to settle? I want to avoid this at all cost

We never recommend home remedies for anything - it’s too easy to make things worse. Vet advice always needs to be sought if you are concerned.

If he has been a little irritated by the spray, then hopefully with fresh air and a little bit of time he will feel better. If not, then he will need to see a vet for them to decide the best course of action - breathing/chest is never something to leave unchecked
We never recommend home remedies for anything - it’s too easy to make things worse. Vet advice always needs to be sought if you are concerned.

If he has been a little irritated by the spray, then hopefully with fresh air and a little bit of time he will feel better. If not, then he will need to see a vet for them to decide the best course of action - breathing/chest is never something to leave unchecked
okay thanks. I think he might be okay now though, the smell is gone, my window is open and he's eating and drinking like normal
okay thanks. I think he might be okay now though, the smell is gone, my window is open and he's eating and drinking like normal
continuing this i want to say hes not hooting still, no breathing problems at all but he is sneezing still but hes also digging his nose in his hay and bedding but is there anyway to stop his sneezing constantly. he still is very happy and healthy i fed him and he enjoyed it, hes drinking water and etc
If it is due to hay dust then it will irritate his airways.
The only way to reduce it is to get dust extracted hay.
oh okay, should i reclean his cage? to help with the dusty hay
also I went to the vet and they said nothing was wrong.. but he is sneezing and has a wet nose si I'm not sure what's happening
If he has a wet nose and is sneezing I'd try a different vet.
It could just be allergies from dusty hay but it really needs checking by a piggy savvy vet who can listen to his chest.
There's a list of recommended vets at the top of this section of the forum 😊
Sneezing and nasal discharge usually are due to irritants in the airway - hay dust, the spray etc.
Symptoms of a human cold arent the same as a piggy bacterial URI and they don’t appear in the same order.

If you have seen the vet today and his chest is clear then that is good.

Please note that you will need to use Guinea Lynx to find other recommended vets. There is a link to Guinea Lynx in our recommended vet list, but the list itself is just for UK vets.
Sneezing and nasal discharge usually are due to irritants in the airway - hay dust, the spray etc.
Symptoms of a human cold arent the same as a piggy bacterial URI and they don’t appear in the same order.

If you have seen the vet today and his chest is clear then that is good.

Please note that you will need to use Guinea Lynx to find other recommended vets. There is a link to Guinea Lynx in our recommended vet list, but the list itself is just for UK vets.
oh alright. he isn't sneezing anymore so I think he's ok. he is hiding in his house more than usual though, but he's eating a drinking a whole bunch
oh alright. he isn't sneezing anymore so I think he's ok. he is hiding in his house more than usual though, but he's eating a drinking a whole bunch

If you are worried about anything, all we can suggest is to switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily and see a vet