Little Bit Worried About Mikey

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Chief Mikey

Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
So i've had Mikey a little over a month now and despite being handled daily and treats, positive reinforcement and quiet talking whenever I sit by the cage he still acts very skitty. He runs a mile when I so much as approach the cage quietly and freaks out whenever I go to get him out. The first few days he was grand, no panicking at all but now its quite difficult to spend any time with him as he seems extremely frightened. Am I doing something wrong?
All perfectly normal I'm afraid! Some piggies take absolutely ages to get used to you and some never like being picked up. My oldest piggie here (been with me nearly 4 years now) still legs it as soon as she sees me and screams if I try to pick her up but settles nicely on my lap. She has never eaten on my lap. It's normal for her. The others are much more amenable! Just be patient, talk calmly and quietly to him and persist.
They're all different. I try hand feeding their favourite goodies such as dandelions or fresh grass. This gets them used to your hands & fingers being something good rather than a predator out to get them. It's just a question of time. Most get better with time but some are always like that.
The good news is that you are actually making progress!

Mikey is no longer frozen with fear as he was initially and he is trusting you enough to tell you his feelings. It is usually much more difficult and takes longer when you have got a single piggy; two are egging each other on.

Avoid anything that reminds him of a predator, like sneaking up on him. Talk to him as soon as you come into the room, don't stoop over him and create firm rituals so he knows what it coming up.

If you can, find him a companion at a good rescue that offers boar dating, so you only get a boarmate that is working out at no risk to Mikey and you. It really will make a difference!
What a coincidence - we have a boar called Mikey that we have had about 5 weeks now. He was a rescue pig and incredibly skittish at first but is starting to settle now. Every time we tried to pick him up he used to scrabble about and we got scratched to pieces but now he is much calmer What has helped us, I think, is having two very placid girl pigs - although he isn't in with them yet he has been alongside and I think has picked up from them that we aren't too scary.

Sounds like you are doing all the right things - I am sure it will be a matter of time.
i have four girls that hate to be picked up and i only do it when absolutely necessary but the other 6 dont mind once you have caught them.Two of them let me stroke them when i am in the cage with them and four of those snuggle in
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