Litter Trays

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
Tyne & Wear, UK
I have just bought a corner litter tray for my c and c cage. Currently my 3 gps wee and poo in most areas. The cage is part fleece lined, part newspaper with a hay box at one end. What do people use in litter trays? Hay, shavings, newspaper? Is the litter tray better in a covered over area of the cage? I don't mind renewing newspaper and hay when wet but the wet fleece is causing a problem. The gps are 12 weeks old now and girls.
I don't have a 'litter tray' as such but both sets of boys have hay trays. One set tend to always pee in the hay tray as they eat and the others tend to pee in two select corners of their cage. Hay and paper is easy and cheap to replace and they do tend to pee etc while they are eating....
I have litter trays and have newspaper then shavings then hay.Most wees are done in the tray but they poo all over.I peg fleece over the cage where the litter trays are and this encourages them to use them
My trays are similar to madguinealady but they have newspaper (if you cut a diagonal line in the middle of each corner it folds into the tray really snug) paper pellets then a layer of tissue paper to make cleaning a bit easier.

Same as above. Trays with paper then handful of shavings then big piles of hay. The trays seem to get most of the wees (judging by the weight of the newspaper) as we change the trays each day. we also change their beds each day as those also seem to be favourite places to wee and poo. Then of course there is a liberal scattering of poos all over the cage just to show their appreciation!
Thanks. Not much success so far with the litter tray. Lots of wees all around it though! I'll try covering it to make it cosier! Still experimenting with bedding to see what's best for cleaning and smell. Trying Carefesh today but price might put me off!
In my litter trays I use a layer of newspaper (this prevents to bedding sticking to the bottom of the tray and makes cleaning easier), a layer of paper pellet bedding (Back-2-Nature brand), and a couple of large handfuls of hay on top. They hay entices them into the litter tray and they usually end up pooping and peeing while they're eating. It does help if the litter tray is covered as guinea pigs like doing their 'business' in dark places.

Also, put extra towels/fleece under their hidey houses. You may need to change these daily otherwise your fleece will get soaked. Fleece requires a lot of maintenance. Change it as soon as you can smell it or it becomes wet.
In my litter trays i use a layer of aspen with a layer of carefresh over top and then the hay on top of that. My boys do most of there business in there litter trays but just in case I have pee pads in all empty corners of there cage as well.
Thanks. I'm having more success now with the litter tray being covered over with a little roof and a fresh handful of hay in it twice a day. They still do lots of wees around the outside edges of the tray (annoying!) so I've ordered some correx to make a larger square litter tray with a low edge around it to see if that solves that problem. The fleece at the other end of the cage is generally much drier now so that's good! I'm using newspaper, sawdust or Carefesh and lots of hay in the tray.
I used to use carefresh or finacard in my corner toilet for the guineas but kept getting annoyed by the mess. I chucked out the toilet eventually as it seemed like their pee was eating into the plastic.
I put extra towels and fleece round the litter trays that get changed every day.Also have towels and extra fleece under their hideys as they wet now and then.Means main fleece only needs changed once a week
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