Litter Training


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 11, 2017
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Hi! My piggie tends to go (poop, pee) in one corner of his cage already, so would it be a good idea to get him a litter box? Can you train a pig to use the bathroom in a litter box? If so I just thought it might help enrich his life.
@GuineaLoveJane I've never managed to litter train a piggy but I do have hay trays, which they tend to poop and pee in more often.

They're lazy little devils so they tend to pee and poop where they eat and sleep so they're mostly in their beds or hay trays.

But they will poop anywhere and everywhere still.
Do you think it would be possible to litter train a very active one?
In the wild guinea pigs, like horses, cows and rabbits, wee and poo where they eat. So if you fill litter trays with some kind of absorbent bedding topped up with hay they will go into them eat wee and poo.

My three make guinea pig sized tunnels in their hay x

They also poo where they rest. I put extra mats under the beds that my 3 relax under and shake them out each day.

Hope that helps.
I think it really depends on the pig. Recently, I bought a triangle littler tray for my pigs and 1 out of 2 of my pigs use it frequently. The pig who uses the litter tray used it immediately (and I’ve got to say it’s been really helpful for spot cleaning) , while my other pig refuses to pee and poo in the tray.
Never managed it yet, but ours poo more in the corner with there hay in which means poo picking is easier
Hay trays are great, mine still poop absolutely everywhere though! It depends on the pig because my friend's only poops in two corners and at the place I volunteer, one herd only poops by the hay and the two others will go everywhere. :)