Litter Brother Fighting - Advice Please

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New Born Pup
Jun 27, 2016
Reaction score

Have had to separate our two 10 month old boars as they behaviour towards each other has turned really mean. They now have separate hutches and runs. Looking to possibly exchange one boar for a female and re-home the other. Grateful for any advice on whether this could be arranged as don't want either to be lonely and it's sad seeing them being so mean to one another. We live in Bexley, Kent

Have had to separate our two 10 month old boars as they behaviour towards each other has turned really mean. They now have separate hutches and runs. Looking to possibly exchange one boar for a female and re-home the other. Grateful for any advice on whether this could be arranged as don't want either to be lonely and it's sad seeing them being so mean to one another. We live in Bexley, Kent

Hi and welcome!

Sorry that your two teenage boys have fallen out. Sadly, it is a persistent breeder myth that brothers won't fight; if they are both on the dominant side, they will fall out the same as unrelated boars. :(
You may find this guide here helpful in understanding what has happened and what your options are; it lays them all in detail with their pros and cons. Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

The link also contains a list of recommended good standard piggy savvy rescues. Some of these rescues offer boar dating at the rescue. If you want to go down the mixed gender route, you need to have your remaining boy neutered by a good vet first and then include a full 6 weeks post-op to make sure that he is 100% safe to go with a sow; all good rescues will insist on this wait. I have the daughter of an over 5 weeks post-op boar (not one of mine). Sadly, spayed sows are as rare as gold in this country.
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