I think it is good but put different bedding in from the rest of the cage and a hay rack above as Chief guinea pig has said. You can't really train them to go in it. I recommend tumblefresh as it doesn't smell even after a week with no spot cleaning when has been weed and pooed on. It absorbs liquid really well too.
Ok, thanx I use one but they seem to only use it to wee in, and that's only 75% of the time. They do have their pellets in a bowl attached to the cage bars right next to it, but I'll give it a go
i think having a decent size tray works better. a low edged garden potting tray filled with litter and loads of hay means they'll do the majority of their toileting there. but there will always be some poops and wee everywhere else too!
i keep going on about garden potting trays lately.. but i think they're so good. the piggies get hay on the floor in a bigger area (our tray is 1 3/4 grids by 1 1/2 grids) for eating and burrowing in, which they love and i feel is such an important behaviour for them to beable to express.. yet it's technically still in a tray which is easier for us to just take out everyday and change.
you might want to put hay in other areas too though so more toileting there can't really be avoided! i'm not personally a fan of hay racks so put hay on top of their wooden bridge aswell and also in kitchen roll tubes cut down the centre, just so they always have some cleaner hay aswell which hasn't been trampled on!
My litter tray has a dual purpose as far as my guinea pigs are concerned. I put fresh hay in there and that gets eaten, but sometimes they treat the tray as a bed and lay in the hay pooping and peeing as they feel the inclination. The positive side is you can clean the tray and refresh the hay as often as you want.
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