Literally Floor Time.


Rescue Buddy
Dec 27, 2014
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I just saw this on facebook and thought I would share as I'm quite sure (almost) everyone can relate to this and I find it hilarious.
During floor time, a lot of times I found myself doing more exercise than ever just to encourage Teddy to stop being lazy :))
If you want you can share some funny stories about your piggies during their floor times!

Pic belongs to Skinnypigs1 Pet Palace @ FB!
ha ha so true, With Pitch and putt I spent more time moving in their run than they did, in the end I would need to have my chooken leg out :))
Today I spent the morning arranging a lovely, healthy (!) and well equipped floor outside the balcony, with tunnels, boxes, a pile of hay, hideys, fresh grass in some corners and... some pellets scattered everywhere (I use pellets ONLY for making them moving around). Result: part of the pellets is over, some grass is over and they have been sleeping for hours into their hideys...:evil: and the floor of the balcony have a lot of spots of wee, hence it will be ME the one who will make physical activity for cleaning up :hb:
what a brilliant idea indeed!:rant:
Today I spent the morning arranging a lovely, healthy (!) and well equipped floor outside the balcony, with tunnels, boxes, a pile of hay, hideys, fresh grass in some corners and... some pellets scattered everywhere (I use pellets ONLY for making them moving around). Result: part of the pellets is over, some grass is over and they have been sleeping for hours into their hideys...:evil: and the floor of the balcony have a lot of spots of wee, hence it will be ME the one who will make physical activity for cleaning up :hb:
what a brilliant idea indeed!:rant:
Lol perhaps the piggies thought you needed the excercise :)
Love it. One of mine runs around like a loony, the other prefers to stay in his hidey and only moves if I scatter food. He does have arthritis and is rather rickety on his feet, but he'll waddle to the other side of the room for food:)):))