Liners & Cleaning


New Born Pup
Jul 25, 2022
Reaction score
united kingdom
So as time is going on i am beginning to smell the distinct guinea smell from my two skinny pigs and wondered if anyone can advise me
what is the best way to wash fleece/liners? as i wash them 40 sometimes 60oC and can still smell the Pee smell on the liners even after washing them at these temps with plenty of washing powder.
Any help, Advice or tips muchly appreciated
Jaqs, Mr Gibbs & Sylvio
Laundry powder can in itself leave a residue that both smells and can irritate the piggy paws. Washing with vinegar as mentioned above can help with this. Adding an extra rinse cycle to the wash can help too. Dettol laundry disinfectant is a good product to remove odours and bacteria from piggy fleece at a low temperature wash. Personally I never use actual laundry detergent to wash piggy fleece, just vinegar or dettol laundry cleanser and plenty of rinsing, and if the weather permits, dry outdoors to get a good airing!
I use napisan ,its non bio,has antibactrial,deals with odours and stains.its best not to use too much detergent.i do not use vinegar in the washing machine,as washing machine repairer stated it can disintegrate the have recieved ggood advise above.