New Born Pup
I came home from work today and suddenly my young boy Scooter has a VERY pronounced limp. He holds his front right foot off the ground no matter what, not putting any weight on it. I don't see any blood or torn fur, so its not an injury from his cage mate, but it still has me concerned... I've separated him and his cage mate for the time being, just put a c&c wall between them so they can still interact. The vets that can handle Guineas are all closed for today, so I'll be bringing him in first thing tomorrow. Any tips on stuff to do tonight? Should I give him the smaller half so he won't run around, or the bigger because he loves to run and popcorn... he's acting desperate to get past the wall, he's never lived without his father, his cagemate...
Some gif to try and show his limp
Some gif to try and show his limp