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Limping guinea pig


Deleted member 147736

A few days ago I noticed one of my female guinea pig’s was limping on one hind foot, and was sitting more in her beds than usual. I Also noticed her bottom had gotten dirty, probably as a result of her sitting in one spot for a longer period of time. I wanted to take her to the vet straight away, though the vet nearby doesn’t deal with “exotic” pets and therefore we would have to go to a more expensive vet further away.

I have carefully examined her foot myself, and it does not look very swollen, though when compared to her healthy foot her toes are not as «spilt» as on the other foot when i hold her. I could also tell that she felt discomfort when I touched her foot, so I don’t believe it is paralyzed.

I have googled her symptoms and I believe it could be arthritis, though that would be a very unfortunate diagnosis considering there is no proper cure, as well as the fact that she just turned 3 so she is still a rather young guinea pig.
Along side arthritis I have considered a sprained (or worse case broken) foot, though the only high area in the cage is a second floor with a stable ramp and edge (it is the one from Kavee) so it isn’t very likely she fell.
Another thing I want to note is that she is eating and drinking fine and she does come running when she gets her daily vegetables.

I believe I will take her to the vet no matter what I just wanted to hear if anyone have experienced something similar or know what could have happened to her. Sorry for a long post just wanted to note all the details.

(I am also not native English and still a child so please excuse language mistakes)
Your piggy will need to be seen by a vet to be checked and properly diagnosed. The fact she is limping and seemingly reluctant to come out of bed suggests she is in discomfort, so she is highly likely to need pain relief
i hope she is ok
A few days ago I noticed one of my female guinea pig’s was limping on one hind foot, and was sitting more in her beds than usual. I Also noticed her bottom had gotten dirty, probably as a result of her sitting in one spot for a longer period of time. I wanted to take her to the vet straight away, though the vet nearby doesn’t deal with “exotic” pets and therefore we would have to go to a more expensive vet further away.

I have carefully examined her foot myself, and it does not look very swollen, though when compared to her healthy foot her toes are not as «spilt» as on the other foot when i hold her. I could also tell that she felt discomfort when I touched her foot, so I don’t believe it is paralyzed.

I have googled her symptoms and I believe it could be arthritis, though that would be a very unfortunate diagnosis considering there is no proper cure, as well as the fact that she just turned 3 so she is still a rather young guinea pig.
Along side arthritis I have considered a sprained (or worse case broken) foot, though the only high area in the cage is a second floor with a stable ramp and edge (it is the one from Kavee) so it isn’t very likely she fell.
Another thing I want to note is that she is eating and drinking fine and she does come running when she gets her daily vegetables.

I believe I will take her to the vet no matter what I just wanted to hear if anyone have experienced something similar or know what could have happened to her. Sorry for a long post just wanted to note all the details.

(I am also not native English and still a child so please excuse language mistakes)


Please be aware that limping is not necessarily due to a foot injury or sprain but can happen anywhere further up the leg right to where they join the spine; like we limp after twisting our knee or hurting our hip.

Please see a vet if in any doubt and if your girl is clearly in pain. You need to see a vet as an emergency if you piggy is unable to put any weight at all on a leg (broken bone). Less serious are much more common because al,l it atakes is bad landing after a jump, especially in a lively piggy.
Pepper recently had a limp on his front foot, it was also swollen, the vet gave use some pain and anti inflammatory and he got better after a few days!