lilly and molly

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these are my too babies there about 19 weeks old

this is molly

this is lilly the hypertvcie one

this lilly and molly togther

Awwwwww look at those 2 gorgeous girls and pink ears too (Duke has one too and i just love it)
Hannah they're beautiful :-* :-*
I'm sorry hannah but i'm finding it really hard to read some of your posts. Can you please take more care when typing.
well I'm sorry but i have problems with spelling and english wrirting stuff ok i cant help it
Thats fine. I can understand that. But some are just silly things. M as in 'am' i assume. Surely you knew that? Some of the times the words are spelt correct, but you have put spaces in between the letters so it makes it harder to read. This i can only guess is typing to fast, and not checking afterwards. I'm not trying to get at you but if i see you have posted i dont want to read them as i can't be bothered to spend time deciphering it. I would love to hear about how you and your gorgeous pigs are doing, but i hessitate because of the text. Sorry, but this is how i feel.
yes you are geting at me if i cant spell its not my fault is it i have never had this problem beofre i have been a member of a froum called fos what is about x factor , americna idol et i have been a member for over 2 years there and have never had a prablam reading my posts at all

and no boady eles on here has said anything

so just leave me alone if you dont wont to read about my guinea pigs than dont
all i am saying is i cant help it if i cant spell i do try and i do go to an eglish class at night but i cant just become a great speller over night no everyone is a good and gets A at spelling do there ? NO

you are just puting me down as i am not as brainy as you at spelling not eveyone can be good at everything

people of any age over 12/13 it shouldnt matter how old who good we are at spelling at school tc we should be all giving a chance to make friends and ask questions on any message board and get anwers
You wote in another post the word 'lvoely' To me that shows you know how to spell it, but were careless at typing it. It the post above this you wrote 'how' twice in three words, but only actually put the words in the right order once. You are not as bad at spelling as you think you are, all you need, in my opinion, is to take a little more time when typing your posts. I do not want to turn this into a big arguement. I did say i would love to hear about you and your piggies still. But if you'd prefer that i didn't, then fair enough.
i didnt say you could read share wiht my stufff about my guiuna pigs your the one who said you didnt wont to read about them i would ove for you look at them and help with the problems i may have with them but if you just say I'm going to read your posts topics coz i spelt a few words wrong i may get batter at it and wont know if dont read them will you

i would love to be your firend and stuff etc
Gorgeous! I too love the pink ears, it just makes them that much cuter! I can't believe how proud you must be! ;D

I'm gueesing not all pigs have pink ears

thanks for all your great comments
Wilson has a small dot of pink on her ear lol but cindy has all brown ears.
it loos like my hollys ears are pink too but meggies look brown well thatswhat i can see from looking at there pictures
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