Life is ever so strange

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
County Durham
I'm sorry but this may sound strange, but have you ever thought about this? Today my Dad told me something about the lorry that he was driving and that if he was driving at the time on a motorway not just leaving a drop when this part had failed on his lorry he might not with sitting in the same room as me now or he would have been in hospital at the very least. Also there has been other circumstances - I always thank my Grandad when something that could have been something else works out for the good as I'm not sure what I believe.

You can be lucky and sometimes fate gives you a good hand or a bad hand, no one controls these things do they? It just happens. I guess I must learn to enjoy life and do what I want to do as I never know what might happen the next moment..
Your dad is lucky, thank god he was OK!
I think I must have a guardian angel because I have been in so many scrapes I am amazed I am still here. I'd like to think so anyway!
I think everyone has a date to go,, and if its not your time then you won't. For example people who survive crashes that really should have killed them.
i agree about bad things, like if this didnt happen. like this :

If biscuit didnt break her leg we wouldnt of got smidge, If i didnt get Smidge, Coco wouldnt of caught his cold he had and died. Then we wouldnt have got fluffly, without smidge we wouldnt of relised he was a boy and got georgy, without georgy and fluffly i wouldnt have had sooty and sweep or got patch and fudge for georgy, so when you look at this that way, Biscuit's broken leg has made me have 6 guinea pigs. ;D
WoW, I'm so glad your dad was ok!

I agree with you though...

My dad also drives Lorry's and this one day he had gone back to the depot, and went under this machine which drops tonnes of loose animal feed into the top of the wagon... He usually sits in the lorry and listens to the music whilst this happens, but today he decided to go into the offices cause he just fancied a cup of tea - which he NEVER drinks!

No sooner had he got out of the lorry and opened the door to the offices, there was a MASSIVE bag and he turned round to see the machine that drops the feed into the wagons on top of his lorry, and part of the machine had gone through the front bit of the lorry where HE sits!

To this day he doesn't know what made him get out to get and get some tea - as he's a coffee drinker and he says he never gets out of the lorry!

I just believe that theres someone watching over us all, and that luckily they were looking out for my dad that day :)

i believe in guardian angels!

One day when i was about 21. i was bombing along a country lane in my mini-cooper when i came to this windy narrow part in the road with steep muddy banks on each side and overhanging trees. it was dark with nowhere to pull over when i see hurtling round the corner a huge tipper truck. i was going way too fast to stop in time, couldn't pull over and he was taking up his side of the road and most of my side. i knew i was going to crash it was unavoidable. i held on to the steering wheel, closed my eyes tight and pulled my legs up in the fetal position (well at least they wouldn't be crushed under the steering wheel) and waiting for the impact and most probably death! when i opened my eyes i was around the corner! somehow i had squeezed passed the lorry and negotiated a tight windy lane (which was like a zigzag) and drove through to where it was bright and sunny WITH MY EYES SHUT AND MY KNEES IN MY FACE! GOD KNOWS HOW! i never told anyone about it until recently because i didn't think anyone would believe it. even i cant believe how on earth?! i just don't know what happened that day it was surreal to say the least!

I've had another near-death experience since then too.
bev said:
I think everyone has a date to go,, and if its not your time then you won't. For example people who survive crashes that really should have killed them.

I firmly believe this too - also, I don't think there's any point in saying "If only he/she hadn't been there..." If it's your time then it doesn't matter where you are.
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