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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
- i know lots of people have diffrent theorys on this but ive always wanted to know why?! yumyum, my oldest and most handled is licking mad, she will lick every avail part of me,my boyfreind, the couch, the cusions ect for as long as shes out! my second oldest does it but not to extremes and the the other 5 do but accompanied by little "testing the water" nips.. if its a salt hing surely they would all lick the same amount? or is is affectionate thing? or somthing else entirely?!! -c-c-c
- i know lots of people have diffrent theorys on this but ive always wanted to know why?! yumyum, my oldest and most handled is licking mad, she will lick every avail part of me,my boyfreind, the couch, the cusions ect for as long as shes out! my second oldest does it but not to extremes and the the other 5 do but accompanied by little "testing the water" nips.. if its a salt hing surely they would all lick the same amount? or is is affectionate thing? or somthing else entirely?!! -c-c-c

she might just like tasting everything around ,mym mums cat does the same,but its like dragging sandpaper over your hand!haha
All your theories may be right. I just feel so blessed when Dindy licks (Piggy kisses) me.
my old cat used to do it to..really tickles on the insides of your arms! i like to think its an affectionate thing but when i tell people they look at me like "dude its a guinea pig, its just after your salt!" stupid people!grrrrgrrrr
Only one of the 5 guinea pigs I've ever had has been a licker and that's my gorgeous Spike who is currently my only piggy (although hopefully not for long!)
He has to lick every finger on both hands and occasionally up my arm as well. I think he he thinks he's washing me!
He even licked away my tears when we lost Stripes this week.
I like to think it's piggy kisses too.
This is so strange as I was about to post a thread about piggie licks to find out if anyone elses piggies does it too!

My Speedy really licks me when she is out for a cuddle, she usually licks my arms but has licked my hand too.
It is such a lovely experience and I like to think, as others have said, that she is giving me piggie kisses!

My other two have done it briefly but not like Speedy! xoxo
no matter what any one says I believe they are kisses - piggies grooming you because you are part of their herd. My daughter's piggie rarely kisses me but my two give me kisses all the time drool
i ge licks off all my boys but one he makes up for it by purring he's the only one that purrsx>>
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