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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
Does anybody know why my pig, Jip is doing this? Is it a form of acceptance or is it the taste of my skin? All my 3 do it but Jip does it all the time with little noises x

:D A lot of piggies seem to like the taste of salt on our skin. But I'm sure that some licks are kisses!

P.S. I could not watch the video. It says it is private.
I think it is working now, hopefully anyway. I do have a stronger bond with Jip at the moment but he was and is still the smallest but by gosh he is catching up quickly with his brothers ;)

Piggy Kisses are great, i like to think is is because they love us but most likely they like the taste lol

I fear when Vimto licks me as she used to be a vampire piggy and liked zeeee flesh... she is now reformed :))
One of ours does this a lot.
But only to my 11 year old daughter, who probably takes more showers than the rest of the family combined!
So I am choosing to see it as piggy kisses (and even if it is about the salt from sweat, there is no way I am telling Miss 11 that - we would never get into the bathroom again :roll:)
Piggy Kisses are great, i like to think is is because they love us but most likely they like the taste lol

I fear when Vimto licks me as she used to be a vampire piggy and liked zeeee flesh... she is now reformed :))

One of ours starts of with lovely gentle kisses then eventually has a little nip it doesn't really hurt but its enough to put him down lol

One of ours does this a lot.
But only to my 11 year old daughter, who probably takes more showers than the rest of the family combined!
So I am choosing to see it as piggy kisses (and even if it is about the salt from sweat, there is no way I am telling Miss 11 that - we would never get into the bathroom again :roll:)

Awe. I hope it is kisses :) I am sure if they wanted to bite they would so I am assuming if they choose to lick then its a kiss lol
piggy kisses are the best..... i don't get them very often but my daughter always gets them... x
:D Two of my girls, Beano and Dandy, are great lickers, usually around my nose and mouth. Sometimes I think they're trying to lick me to death! Most of the others, I'm lucky if I get one or two licks.
Awww, sweet! He looks like one of my prior pigs, Frenzy, but she had red eyes. Some pigs seem to be 'kissers'- I think it's partly affection and partly liking the taste of our skin. One of mine, Sundae, gives kisses all the time. It's very sweet!
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