Licking Son's Genitals

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New Born Pup
Jul 20, 2015
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Hello! so... My guinea pig had a baby (male) almost two weeks ago and since then I've noticed that she often licks her son's genitalia. What worries me is that he cries when she does it but acts normal when she finishes...
Is this normal? :soz:
Hello! so... My guinea pig had a baby (male) almost two weeks ago and since then I've noticed that she often licks her son's genitalia. What worries me is that he cries when she does it but acts normal when she finishes...
Is this normal? :soz:

Hi and welcome!

Yes, it is normal guinea pig behaviour. Bum sniffing and licking is like getting a status report. Mum's also lick their newborn babies' bums to stimulate the digestive system. Her little son is just protesting as he is obviously a bit ticklish. You have to get used to babies being rather dramatic and very vocal in the first few months of their lives.

Please be aware that you need to separate your boy at three weeks old. It is likely that you will notice the first rumbling and mounting attempts this week when mum is coming into season again. It often "wakes up" well developed baby boars. Thankfully, they need a few days of practice before they can go live and start making babies.
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