Licking... Good Sign?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 11, 2015
Reaction score
Costa Rica
Hi. I'm actually really happy because a month ago I got Agatha my baby girl. So it's been a "learning every day" kind of experience. But I think now I can understand her better and when she wants food, hay, attention or when she wants to be by herself.
Recently I notice she licks my hand, fingers and arm when I pet her. She also sometimes bites my fingers or hand a little. She doesn't hurt me at all it is more like a little pinch. Normally she would lick my hand and pinch me a little and then lick me again. I think is so cute and I thought it is because she likes me but I'm not sure.
20160102_200029.webp So I was just wondering what could it mean? Is it a good sign or not? Is it normal? Does she likes me?:yahoo::luv:
So what do you think?
*The picture is of her ignoring me while she was eating her hay.
She doesn't really like that I take pictures of her so I have a lot of pictures of her butt.
Hi. I'm actually really happy because a month ago I got Agatha my baby girl. So it's been a "learning every day" kind of experience. But I think now I can understand her better and when she wants food, hay, attention or when she wants to be by herself.
Recently I notice she licks my hand, fingers and arm when I pet her. She also sometimes bites my fingers or hand a little. She doesn't hurt me at all it is more like a little pinch. Normally she would lick my hand and pinch me a little and then lick me again. I think is so cute and I thought it is because she likes me but I'm not sure.
View attachment 40936 So I was just wondering what could it mean? Is it a good sign or not? Is it normal? Does she likes me?:yahoo::luv:
So what do you think?
*The picture is of her ignoring me while she was eating her hay.
She doesn't really like that I take pictures of her so I have a lot of pictures of her butt.

She either likes you or your skin! :D

If the nibbling is getting painful at some point in the future, use the tips on how to establish dominance in combination of showing her your love in piggy language. That tells her that it is you who calls the shots on what is good behaviour.
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
My kids call them 'pig kisses.' Some pigs 'kiss' more than others (Sundae is definitely a kisser! She will wash your hands for you! LOL!) It's definitely affectionate (at the very least, she loves the salt on your skin!)
Thank you all. I'm so so happy about this. It makes me happy that she likes me. (Or my skin) but I rather believe that she loves me and that's her way of showing me that she does.
Thanks for your replies and for your advices. :)
*Agatha20160105_214040.webp ignoring me again in the picture. :luv:
I had "kissers" and now have the privilege of having another one. I love those piggy kisses. They are just super sweet.
I had "kissers" and now have the privilege of having another one. I love those piggy kisses. They are just super sweet.
I had "kissers" and now have the privilege of having another one. I love those piggy kisses. They are just super sweet.
My little man Oscar licks literally everything from sliding doors much to my suprise to mirrors, but when it comes to hands they just like you, or as it often comes down to it they lick the salt of your hands, (sweat for instance gross I know) its a weird thing they do but it happens a lot, its lovely when they kiss :D mostly a sign of kindness
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