Licking And Nibbling On Your Finger?

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Hehe! My boys do this as well, particularly Sam! I think it is so sweet :) I think this can have different meanings in different piggies but as far as I can tell my Sam just does it because he's happy (or trying to lick of the residue from veggies I've just been feeding!) He does get a little more nibbly than licky when he's unhappy - usually when cleaning his bits out! Apparently with some piggies it's a sign they need the toilet.
Our boys prefer to lick and nibble our noses or ears, I think they are trying to tell us whose in charge by mutual grooming ;)
Pecan at one point went crazy licking my face, Rambo have a little lick ,Maple nibbles, Patch nips and Lucky depends how she's feeling
Mavis licks me as a sign of affection but Bubbles on licks and then tries to nip, however this is generally when I've been feeding her veggies. It's quite cute either way.
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