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Lice Treament

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

I know there is Lice and Easy from GG and I will order more today I have to do Milo and Twinkle. Although I don't have enough for Radley and Sunshine and just spotted Flora scratching so will check them out now. So is there anything else I could use other than Lice and Easy? I wanted to get them done today!

Pesky things came in on the timothy hay I got from the local pet shop at £1.80 a bag, new it was too good to be true!


Its that time of year all mine have got them, I used the lice and easy on my boys but couldn't on my girls because of possible pregnancies, Chrissie advised Oily products can suffocate lice, so if you've got other melts or conditioners in you could try them.
Although not relevant to post i feel the need to add I DO NOT BREED my first sow was allegedly a boy and spent a few days with the guys but has not been with them since i realised and my other little girl was left on my doorstep and thus i know nothing of her history and am erring on the side of caution .
Have you got any of the neem (sp?) melt? That works on lice too. I think in general any neem based shampoo/product will kill lice. I could be wrong but I am pretty sure that is the case. You could always ask Chrissie, I am sure she would advise on what to use in the meantime.
Thanks yep I have some neem shampoo. I think I'll order some lice and easy a huge bottle then I have it in! :)
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