

Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2021
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If i give my guinea pigs lettuce daily how many leaves (or grams) is ok to give them? I uasully give them about 2 leaves each as most of their veggies, is that to much? Also can i give 100 grams of zuchini daily? I can never find the serving sizes for vegitables for guinea pigs and always have a hard time knowing how much to give.
i give just one leaf per piggy

When it comes to courgette, i would give just one thin slice per piggy
Ok thanks! What else do you give daily?

I give lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper and coriander daily.
Everything else is in rotation and in moderation

I should have added to my post, I’m not sure that courgette/zucchini is suitable to be fed every - it’s more a 1-2 times a week veg
I give lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper and coriander daily.
Everything else is in rotation and in moderation

I should have added to my post, I’m not sure that courgette/zucchini is suitable to be fed every - it’s more a 1-2 times a week veg
Oh ok, thanks i didnt know that!
My feeding of veggies is much the same as @Piggies&buns with what is given daily.
Mine get 1 lettuce leaf each in the morning, usually romaine or red cos.
Otherwise it’s a variety each day.
I'm sure I learnt my regime from @Piggies&buns too! I give my 7 two peppers for breakfast, (a chunk each) normally a slice of cucumber each for lunch and then a whole lettuce for dinner (which works out at about 2 leaves each depending on how quick they are!) Then I might add the occasional higher calcium treat veg twice a week such a green beans, kale, spinach or a bit of celery depending what I have in the fridge. I don't think too much about it as long as they're constantly grazing on their Timothy hay in between snacks! I don't weigh their pellets either I just sprinkle a few in every now and then to either hand feed as treats or for foraging purposes. I wouldn't worry too much about weighing their food! X