Letting Your Other Piggys Know When One Has Died

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 17, 2011
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West midlands
We were told by a vet that when one of your guinea pigs have died you should put their body into the cage so that the others can see they have gone. Is this the right thing to do? We have always done this and last night when we put Millie in the two who are left spent ages sniffing around her. Bonnie groomed her ear and Lottie groomed her fur. What does this mean? When they walked away we removed Millie's body.
We were told by a vet that when one of your guinea pigs have died you should put their body into the cage so that the others can see they have gone. Is this the right thing to do? We have always done this and last night when we put Millie in the two who are left spent ages sniffing around her. Bonnie groomed her ear and Lottie groomed her fur. What does this mean? When they walked away we removed Millie's body.

Your two piggies have taken leave in the most common form, by giving it a loving nuzzle around the eye and ears. Piggies don't usually hold a wake or are very demonstrative, but that doesn't mean that they don't grieve less deeply. You can get anything from ignoring the body when they are already aware that a piggy has been severly ill and has now passed away to freaking out if it was sudden, unexpected death.

Unless two piggies have enjoyed an exceptionally tight bond, you usually don't have acute pining in a group, but you will find that yours will be very subdued for the next few days. If one of mine passes away, the whole piggy room is eerily quiet for some day, irrespective of the deceased piggy was in their group or not.

Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
This sounds really normal, from what I've observed. When Linney passed away, we let Sundae have one last moment with her... she also nuzzled her face/eyes/ears and then eventually moved away. I believe it's them coming to terms with the fact that their friend has died. After we took Linney's body away and put Sundae back, Sundae would periodically wheek as if she wanted us to come and comfort her or keep her company. It was a behavior that she had never shown before, and it stopped again once we introduced a new guinea pig companion for her. She very obviously understood that Linney was gone and she was alone. They are definitely aware that they aren't coming back then... when one of our guinea pigs was ill and having multiple vet visits/surgeries, her companion was always really agitated whenever she was gone, waiting for her to come back. But after seeing the body when she finally passed, she was subdued and quiet, but no longer appeared to be worked up or actively looking for her friend afterwards.
When one of my piggies passed in December (pneumonia) I sat on the couch and held her body, telling her I loved her and she'd love it acrooss the bridge. I brought her to the cage and put her in. My other piggy came out, licked her face, and went and faced a corner for about 10 minutes, then acted happy as ever again!
I always let my pigs see any that have passed, they understand the closure it brings.
When a GPM piggy passes, we place it in the pen it lived in then allow all the other pigs to see it and say farewell.
When we had Vimto PTS on Sunday we placed her back in with Widget and Chickpea who spent ages nuzzling and licking her face. After around 10 minutes they went off and munched hay.
What a lovely thread. Guinea pigs are such sensitive creatures. I am honored to have two of them in my care.
This is so sad! I luckily haven't had this happen yet but when I do I'll remember all your suggestions.
This is so sad! I luckily haven't had this happen yet but when I do I'll remember all your suggestions.

It is sad but anything that can help them deal with the grief and understanding of losing a cage mate is a good thing to know. I found Sunday particularly hard to watch as they wouldn't leave Vimto alone for a while but they soon got on with their daily business and luckily have been fine this week so that is a weight off your mind after you lose one, knowing the others are coping okay
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