Let's Balance It Out...


Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2017
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IMG_5669.webp IMG_5675.webp IMG_5676.webp My two boars Angus and Stan are now 8 months old and I'm really having to clean out their bits good and proper!
I was gagging earlier after wiping out the rear end debris and finding my first sperm rod:blink: (I knew exactly what it was but it still freaked me out!)
So with my face contorted in horror like I'd sucked on a lemon, I thought I would balance the gross bits with the gorgeous, rewarding bits and had a quick photo session.
Haha! Thanks guys! I just can't un-see that sperm rod! Plus I have to accept that my younger boat Stan is a teenager now!
Exactly! Gorgeous but gross! It's the cross they have to bear!
Haha! I'm camera shy! Unlike my boys. I'm now accepting that what's pretty one end really isn't at the other!
Oh yes, me too! Typical that my skittish, super sensitive pig has long hair. He's such a drama queen when it comes to his daily brush and he kicks me with his back leg every time!
I love to see how his hair falls, sometimes it's all over his face and recently it's been falling into a centre parting that makes him look like a geek!
Haha! Thanks guys! I just can't un-see that sperm rod! Plus I have to accept that my younger boat Stan is a teenager now!

Strange, in 6 years of owning boars (5 piggies) I've never had a single sperm rod to deal with. And, I've never really had a problem with yucky 'bits' - just the occasional bit of hay or whatever to be removed.

Saying that is probably going to make it all go wrong now - I expect Zebedee will start getting impaction any day! :vom:
Oh I forgot to mention impaction! My old boy Frank needs a regular bit of help with that. I can deal with poo far better than the willy area!
Don't jinx it, you're lucky not to have dealt with any of it!
Boys eh!

They are worth it and certainly very gorgeous :love: