Leaping Guineas

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Nov 23, 2011
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Ive had my guineas for about 4 months now and they live in a two tiered cage.

They have never used the bottom ladder to get to the mezzanine level and instead hop onto it from the side without the ladder, once on the mezzanine tier they run up the ladder to to get to the top level. I was wondering if others had guineas who do something like this?

Ive actually taken out the steps from the bottom to the mezzanine level so that means they have the whole of the bottom level to run around. They've been without the steps for about 3 weeks now and still seem very happy hopping up and down.
Hi do you mean that the jump up and down from the very bottom of the cage to the little mezzanine floor? sorry but i was a bit confused :red
The only thing i'd be a little concerned about is the fact that piggies are not really a jumping animal... just my opinion :)
Gosh they're clever tho aren't they........ they certainly do figure out how to find food :))
I've also read that piggies are not climbing animals. Can someone please tell our piggies that they are not supposed to climb or jump. Star will climb any pile of stuff if its in the way of where she wants to go when given floor time. She's even climbed onto a bean bag.

When she was younger and they were out of the cage she got impatient and before we could do anything she had clibved the side of the cage and jumped through the top (that was open) into a pile of hay that had just been put in.

Scared the what not out of us and she just looked at us with a long piece of hay sticking out of her mouth.

Star is also the one of our group who sings, havent worked out why yet, just seems to be for hell of it. This was odd the first time as we have house sparrows that nest in our eaves (they are endangered where we are because of magpies) and we thought a baby had got out.
No problem with smaller jumps and climbs; some piggies really enjoy that! Others wouldn't even think of it...

Both of mine 'jump' up on top of hides and up onto the shelf part of their Ferplast cage. They ignored the ramp and in the end I removed it because it just took up space. They are long enough in the body now to be able to stretch up and down so I'm not too bothered by their climbing and semi-jumping antics. I wouldn't want them going any higher though. rolleyes
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