Leaky water bottle or A-hole pig?


New Born Pup
Aug 14, 2018
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I'm new to the forum but in need of desperate help. It seems that despite the numerous water bottles I've tried (including ones I've had great luck with in the past) are constantly leaking...... Or so I think? I have one pig who seems to constantly be by the water bottle. I literally had to refill a 30oz water bottle after only 4 hours of filling it previously. The bottle itself does not seem to be leaking and certainly not that fast. Which leads me to believe I have a very cheeky pig who may just enjoy chewing on the tip for fun?. I have numerous chew toys so I'm not sure what the problem is. Please help!!
If your piggy is really drinking that much water I would have him/her checked out. 30oz is a lot of water. Is it dripping in the cage - is the area underneath the bottle wet? Does he/she generally drink a lot throughout the day or do you notice it at certain times? You could try a water bowl although they could poop in it.

As for chew toys, piggies aren’t really interested in that. A cardboard box stuffed with hay or something like a carrot cottage is more appealing.
I've got 4 bottles at the mo and swopped the position of 'the leaky one' only to find that a different bottle in that position also seemed to leak and the leaky bottle in another position was just fine. Found the answer recently thanks to another thread! Flora was pulling the bottle to a more sideways angle to drink and this was breaking the seal which lead to slow dripping. Solved it by fixing the bottle firmly into the upright position so it could not tip either way - although if you try this make sure piggy can still access the bottle at a comfortable angle for them ☺️

There's a thread somewhere about a piggy who just used to "drink" while letting most of the water flow down his front - it was a sort of game!
I had a guinea pig who loved draining the water bottle.
Oreo would literally position herself so she could jam the mechanism open with her tongue and water would pour out!
She is the only pig I ever had who did this but she loved playing with her water bottle.
I did put a large shallow dish underneath to try and prevent her flooding the cage, but she would drop pellets into it and create a pellet much concoction!
In the end I allowed her one bottle to play with and just put multiple fleece pads underneath which I removed daily. I replaced the other bottles in the cage with a 'sippy' bottle which she could drink from but not drain.
If your piggy is really drinking that much water I would have him/her checked out. 30oz is a lot of water. Is it dripping in the cage - is the area underneath the bottle wet? Does he/she generally drink a lot throughout the day or do you notice it at certain times? You could try a water bowl although they could poop in it.

As for chew toys, piggies aren’t really interested in that. A cardboard box stuffed with hay or something like a carrot cottage is more appealing.
She is definitely not drinking that much. I can clean the cage and after two days the whole
If your piggy is really drinking that much water I would have him/her checked out. 30oz is a lot of water. Is it dripping in the cage - is the area underneath the bottle wet? Does he/she generally drink a lot throughout the day or do you notice it at certain times? You could try a water bowl although they could poop in it.

As for chew toys, piggies aren’t really interested in that. A cardboard box stuffed with hay or something like a carrot cottage is more appealing.

cage is soaked. She's very active and her weight is very healthy. I really think she just enjoys playing with it lol
You may just have to try a different bottle.
Does she live alone or with a friend?
Your title made me laugh, gotta say!

Some pets do get this as a bad habit... one of my daughter's hamsters did this too... she would just push the little ball in and let all the water run out. Weirdly, she only did it when we went to the cottage and put her in a location that she didn't seem to like. So maybe it was anxiety-driven in her case? At any rate, if you're seeing it with multiple water bottles, it's probably the pig and not the bottle.

All I can think to suggest is to change the environment... sometimes it's kind of a reboot for them. Wash the cage well, move things around, maybe add something new or change the location of the bottle. See if you can reboot her little mind to focus on something different.
My older boy Gibson is a bugger - he will just keep going at the bottle, even though his mouth is full, and it ends up all down his front. He almost goes into a trance while doing it - it's happened since he was a year old..

Do get a vet check though if you are at all worried