Lazy They Dont Move!

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New Born Pup
Jun 14, 2014
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Hi I have two male rexes they are four months. Each day I set their run up and let them out and they don't move! They are supposed to be out for exercise tho they don't do anything! I have a paved garden so maybe its that? I haven't got a hide in there at the moment as they just stay in that the whole time. I can't decide if it should be in there or not. Had them over a fortnight but they are tame and were well handles and exercised before they came to me. Can u advise? X
Mine were the same to start with. Its a big scarey world out there. I put a fleece over the top of the run. Try putting something over the top. If you don't have grass. Put some tunnels in too. Piggys love running though tunnels
Most guinea pigs are scared of open spaces - that is where they are most vulnerable. Place a blanket over the top of their run and added some hideys (cardboard boxes, tunnels etc. to the run; ideally spaced apart about a foot at first, so they can dash from one to the other and use them as a safe basis to explore from. It may take all summer for them to become fully confident, but with patience and persistence, you will get there! Put some (dog pee free) grass or dandelion in with them or a box with hay; always nearby at first until they are more confident.
I found putting several hideys & tunnels about with food dotted in between aka @Wiebke suggestion worked great. At first they would dart quickly picking up the food in their mouths & running to a hidey/tunnel with it. Now they stay in the open to eat the food where it is & go into their hideys/tunnels if startled or want to lay down or just want to run through tunnels as piggies seem to like to do.
I also peg a towel round one of the sides of the run of my nervy piggies and it tends to make it feel less "open" so they venture out more. Are there plenty of hides? Cheap,plastic stools work a treat in outside runs.
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