Lazy & Inactive

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I've had Fry and Laurie, my two young-ish boars, for 3-4 months now. They've seemingly settled in - they're generally happy in their cage. Responsive, love their veggy treats (they come to me when I hold out veg and are generally happy to eat it from my hands) and they're bright little monsters.


They're also really inactive.

They will wander about their cage to eat hay 'n' food 'n' veg', but.. Otherwise would rather spend their time laying around.

I regularly take them downstairs to the kitchen and living room but they just... Sit there. Not moving. o_o On the odd occassion they'll move a bit, usually Laurie.

o_o I've given them toys and whatnot, I've tried to engage them, but nothing. I was under the impression that guinea pigs got more exercise than this. XD
Hehe.. some do and some don't! My girls are the laziest lot, more so Icey and Tiny. In their run outside they just sit and don't move! :) Things have to be brought to them or them given a little (gentle) shove :D
I would just keep trying to give them floor time. My two sows sit there for ages when its floor time, but I give them some boxes and tunnels space some veggies about then they like to explore when I am not looking. It took many weeks before mine would venture at first they sat looking quite scared.
They might take a little time getting used to their surroundings and knowing they are safe. My old guinea pig used to look petrified when i first used to let her out (she'd just hide in a house). So i made a 'network' (as such) of tubes, arches and boxes with a hole in either end (to run through) so she wasn't far away from a hideout at any time.. they (her and clover) used to love dashing from one bit to the next.

In the end, she just used to wander about and not worry about being undercover

Good luck :)

*edit* i just re-read my post, now i have visions of undercover guinea pigs in long macs and sunglasses ;D
One of my long-haired girls is exactly like that. Indoors, outdoors, she doesn't do a thing, never has. I do worry that she doesn't get enough exercise, but what can you do? My neuterd boars are totally disinterested in girls, so even they do not give her any reason to chase them or tell them to go away :)

She came from a breeder and had always lived alone apart from when she was mated :-\
I don't think she had ever been out the cage...maybe theat is why she maybe feels insecure or whatever when out of her pen?
Though that said she doesn't move around a lot in there.

My 2 lads usede to just sit in the corner of our lounge looking quite scared, but now they run around chansing each other and wheeking loudly if th sound from the TV makes the right noise. ;D The other night Joey made a dash for the living room door which was left open and I found him in the kitchen next to the fridge. ::) They also loved trying to pull down the chistmas tree my reaching up and grabbing the bottom branches. ;D
We have one lazy boar Ben who lay on his chair all day everyday and if he needed a wee would poke his bum off the end and do it. He now has a new cagemate and both have a chair each and they both are lazy boys however Ben is a lot more active now he has a friend.

I know you said you got two together who both seem to be lazy and inactive so I am not sure what more you can do. Do they have any time out the cage to have a wander about on the floor? Perhaps if they can get time out of their cage daily you will know that they are getting the appropriate exercise to stay fit and healthy
squeakypigs said:
We have one lazy boar Ben who lay on his chair all day everyday and if he needed a wee would poke his bum off the end and do it.

Tonni does that when he's sitting on a table by me! LOL
I have two boys who were like this - until yesterday!

I let them out in the living room with Colin (my older single boar) for the first time (they had only met each other on laps before).

Malcolm was his usual self and hovered around the bowl full of veg. But Leroy became a completely different little boy. He and Colin spent 2 hours running around the room together. I had to watch them carefully as there was LOTS of purring and humping (the whole room stank...) but I think it was v successful and it gave Leroy his first ever proper exercise!

Then they all went back to their own homes and lay down all evening, exhausted ;D
kellyandpiggies said:
squeakypigs said:
We have one lazy boar Ben who lay on his chair all day everyday and if he needed a wee would poke his bum off the end and do it.

Tonni does that when he's sitting on a table by me! LOL

Typical men ;D
My girls are like that! but if you put them down and leave the room but peek at them and tehy dont think u can see them they spring into action well mine do try taht x
The Pichu Brothers are very lazy. They love snoozing on top of their corner house for ages, then get up and have a snack and then go back to sleep! Sometimes, I wish I could do that. ;D
omg it sounds like u got a biscuit on your case!

my biccy doesnt move. she sit poos and wees and eat in the same place. she hasnt went to the food bowl for a while and is now living on hay.
she has diaheerra from eating too much hay. ;D
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