Lazy bunny and pigs don't want exercise!

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I used to have a tatty old hutch and a seperate run and my rabbit and 2 pigs were put in the run every day and seemed to enjoy it. A couple of months ago i got them a shiny new hutch and run, it's the kind with the hutch on top with a run underneath and a slope to get down. The problem is that they still haven't learned to go down the ramp despite all my tricks to coax them down. So i still have to Take them out of their hutch and place them in the run which pretty much defies the point of getting the new combination hutch/run.Then as soon as I'm out of sight the rabbit goes straight up the ramp and back in the hutch, closely followed by my biggest pig,Jelly. The other pig, Gismo is quite happy to stay out all day unless something scares him and then he goes scurrying up the ramp too and won't do back down.
I now have to block the entrance to the hutch to ensure they get their exercise, what is wrong with my lazy lot? ?
yup ive got some like that,cant be arsed to go up and down the ramp so its pick them up and transfer them to top or bottom,lol yet the boys in one hutch go like rockets up and down ;D
Strange they can go up but not down tho, are they really that dopey do you think or are they just having me on?
It will take them a bit of time to get use to using the ramp. What tactics have you tried so far? :)
Well all i've really tried is putting treats on the ramp and putting one at pig at the bootom to try and tempt the other one down but nothing works. They've had it for a couple of months now.
Just little nudges all the way down the ramp, making sure they don't decide to jump off the ramp. It has worked for me in the past. :)
My guineas have a two storey hutch and they found the ramp a bit of a struggle, their little feet slipped and scrabbled a bit so we got some dowling (long wooden rods a bit bigger round than a pencil) and cut it to the width of the ramp, then I used "No more nails" glue to stick them in between the ones that were already there, and now they are much happier to trot up and down. Just a thought! ;)
I have already attached chicken wire to the ramp, i had that thought when we first got the hutch but that's good advice! Anyway some progress has been made after using the 'gently shove them down the ramp' technique the smallest one, Gizmo, is now an expert ramp user, he's up and down all day long! Unfortunately the other pig Jelly and Bugs bunny still won't go down unaided.
gingerpig said:
My guineas have a two storey hutch and they found the ramp a bit of a struggle, their little feet slipped and scrabbled a bit so we got some dowling (long wooden rods a bit bigger round than a pencil) and cut it to the width of the ramp, then I used "No more nails" glue to stick them in between the ones that were already there, and now they are much happier to trot up and down. Just a thought! ;)

Yes I got a new hutch recently and I had to do the same thing the treads were too far apart, it's a hutch with a run underneath, and the ramp also came down from the middle of the run, so with no sides on I was scared they would fall off, so my lovely hubby attached some wood either side of the ramp, so now it has sides on it. feel happier with this now.
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