Laying down while eating

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 21, 2010
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells, Kent
When Minx moved in I noticed that she quite often lay down while she was eating. I didn't think any more of it. But this week they're all doing it. Not all the time but often, especially while eating hay. I'm not worried but wondered if other pigs do this as well? Is she teaching my other girls lazy habits? :(|)
Willow likes to lay down quite often when scoffing hay. I've seen Pippa do it too (especially on the lawn) although not Pixel :)
I did wonder whether it had anything to do with it being warmer this week. It's pretty cool in my flat but definitely warmer here than last week.
yeah, i was just thinking it was the heat too,mine have been lying down lots since this hot weather kicked in, but then i always want to lay down when its hot too....preferably on the beach....with a pimms.... :)
My older girls do this, I always assumed it was them just being extra chilled out and comfortable in their surroundings
Ermentrude pretty much spends the day laid out with her head in the food bowl, and my shed herd are all spread out like little beached whales too - I think it's the heat!

Mine do it when it's warm, or when Lola was pregnant she did it, or if the have a big pile of hay or grass then they lie on it while eating!

One day Meeko was lying down (with his eyes open) and chewing, but his head was on the ground, so he might have been asleep!
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