Laying down all the time!


New Born Pup
Jan 26, 2023
Reaction score
Wilson sadly passed away before Christmas and his surviving pal (Beans) was placed on a waiting list with a local rescue to be bonded.

In the time following Willy's passing, Beans became understandably forlorn; eating less, becoming much less vocal and excitable, and spending most of his time laying down in one bed. (They're free range downstairs so they'd usually run around between different spots throughout the day)

Beans had a successful bonding session with a baby piggy at the rescue. During the bonding "date", Beans was seemingly content as he was laying down a lot. Sprawling out and laying his head on the ground. It particularly surprised me how "relaxed" he was in a new environment, especially after a half an hour car ride to get there and having a baby thrust upon him. He is usually very reserved and skittish.

Since we've brought the baby home his behaviour has perked up; eating more, running around again between the rooms, finding his voice again, interacting with the baby...

But he is still very quick to lay down. Like, immediately after a little zoomy around he will beeline to a bed and snuggle in, or even just flop out on the floor where he's at. He looks very relaxed and is often yawning too.

This might sound normal but it's completely different behaviour to when Wilson was alive. Obviously they laid down in their beds, but it would usually take Beans quite a while to settle, and he would often just be sitting up in the bed rather than flopping out how he is now. Also, Beans and Wilson NEVER snuggled together, the closest they ever got was sitting in separate beds close to each other.

Beans has allowed the baby to snuggle in to him and is also sprawling out on the floor infront of baby immediately after sniffing his bum.

He has always been shy and skittish, but he seems to have had a complete personality overhaul since meeting this baby.

I was wondering if Beans could maybe be stressed, and this is a self-soothing behaviour? I know that yawning can sometimes be self-regulating behaviour in other animals.

Or, because Wilson was the dominant of the two, could it be that now Beans finally feels comfortable at home and all this time he was feeling on edge? They had never fought.

Sorry for long post!