Lawn time


New Born Pup
Jul 28, 2015
Reaction score
Kent, uk
Hi! We have two adorable baby boys (15 weeks old)! Just wanted to ask if I am meant to move their lawn run each day? I have read the helpful posts about building up run time each day, am I also meant to move it? Or is it ok to leave the run in the same place for a few days?! Thanks! (Lovely to be back on here again!)
When I put my piggies out on the lawn, I move it every day so that the grass isn't eaten down to a point where it takes ages to grow again.
We leave ours in one place for a week and then move it. It probably depends how long the grass is to start with, how long they are spending on the grass each day, how big the run is, and generally how ravenous they are!

In general I would say this is more a question of lawn maintenance than GP wellbeing (although obviously if it gets to the stage where there's no grass then they won't be getting to eat any!) so I think you can use your discretion based on your lawn.