Lawn time run help please


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2021
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Hi, Einstein is fully grown around a year old, Darwin is around 5 months (I think bit of a guess). My question is I already have a spare outdoor run they could use for lawn time but I'm not sure if the bars are too far apart. I measured them the biggest holes are 1.5in wide by 9 inch high. Is this unsuitable for them or can I use it once Darwin is bigger (fully grown, next summer time)? Or even now would Darwin be safe?
I would personally not use a run with holes of that size outside at all (not even for an adult piggy), even if an adult piggy could not squeeze through them, there is a risk of predators getting in through them - rats would fit through them, cat paws etc. I can’t think how that compares to a c&c grid off the top of my head this early in the morning, but a c&c grid isn’t really suitable outside either, so if the run holes are around that size, then I wouldnt use it.
The mesh on the runs I use are very small, around 1cm
OK thank you. It would only be when I'm home on nice days for lawn time. I use one for my tortoise already and not had any problems with rats or cats etc. Again he lives inside and goes out during the day only. He does get left out if I go out though for short periods. Hes 18 now and he does fine. Ill look at getting something different for them. I didnt want a wooden one as I've used them in the past and they soon go rotten. These metal ones I have have lasted a while and thought I might save some money buy using the spare for piggies.
OK thank you. It would only be when I'm home on nice days for lawn time. I use one for my tortoise already and not had any problems with rats or cats etc. Again he lives inside and goes out during the day only. He does get left out if I go out though for short periods. Hes 18 now and he does fine. Ill look at getting something different for them. I didnt want a wooden one as I've used them in the past and they soon go rotten. These metal ones I have have lasted a while and thought I might save some money buy using the spare for piggies.
Would it be feasible to attach some wire mesh to the runs bars to make the gaps smaller?
I’ve used chicken wire on the outside of my runs before. Extra piece of mind that they are safe. 👍🏻
Ideally you need mesh that is 1.5 cm wide x 1 cm high. You can usually buy sheets of this at local DIY stores. Buy U type pins to hammer in and secure on your runs frame. This mesh is the best, it’s cat paw proof, I definitely would not risk it as it is.

Here is the mesh I have on my runs