Lawn time photo thread


Staff member
Nov 1, 2013
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Cheshire, England
As it’s glorious weather here in the UK I am suspecting many of us will have our piggies out for lawn time. So come on, show us your lawn time photos.?
I can’t do lawn time with my pigs (because the grass is treated) but I look forward to everybody else’s photos!
All of ours had a brief 10 mins today, but we plan to set out a large pen tomorrow and leave them out for longer.
The problem is that Ruby goes crazy if she can see any other guinea pigs, so we have to try and set up the pens with no chance of her catching a glimpse of Harry and Lucy 🙄
All of ours had a brief 10 mins today, but we plan to set out a large pen tomorrow and leave them out for longer.
The problem is that Ruby goes crazy if she can see any other guinea pigs, so we have to try and set up the pens with no chance of her catching a glimpse of Harry and Lucy 🙄

She really is one of a kind, isn’t she? Reminiscent of Ivy and Mollie - I still have nightmares!
Beautiful piggies! 😍 I'm still battling with the ragwort in my lawn so I was only able to section off a small area for Leonard who could do with the vitamin D for his osteodystrophy, hopefully later in the year there will be enough safe grass for all of them.

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Not having a lawn I am feeling some real lawn envy right now, and I want to plant grass seed in a small cage base and grow the piggies a mini lawn they can play in... does anyone know what is or isnt a good grass seed? I saw one that was supposed to be organic and pet and child friendly that said "contains 80% ryegrass and 20% fescues" what on earth is a fescue? Can piggies eat it?
Fescues are long, fluffy grasses, the kind some might be lucky enough to have on their garden as pictured below. All grasses will be good, providing they're organic and composed of just grasses and no flowery bits! Also you find grasses grow very quick, so you might want to have a few trays set up, to switch in and out of your piggies play pen.. they're big eaters after all! I'm definitely of the opinion that grass is the best dish for piggies :drool::drool:


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Jealous of all your green grass. I put my pigges out on the ‘grass’ for most of the day. However the ground is dry and the grass is dead.. joys of no rain in Australia :td:
I can find a few green patches around the horses paddocks so I do pick them some when I can find it. So it’s not all bad lol.
Winter is on its way so hopefully we’ll get some rain and grass soon :clap:
Our grass has been treated and reseeded now so will be a few grass cuttings before the piggies can go back out on it
After 2 more cuts my lot will be enjoying some lawn time :). Hopefully I can rig up some sort of divider in the big lawn run to keep the 2 new mini herds separate. Anybody have any ideas? It's about 3ft wide.
Well I've ordered 18 seed trays, some grass seed, some red clover seed, a big plant tub and some nasturtium seeds, to combat my lawn envy- the piggies can order lawn takeaway food delivered to their playpen later in the summer :) I'm keeping the nasturtiums separate in case any caterpillars or piggy daddy want to eat them as well! I have a raspberry bush too that Piggle and Puggle enjoyed eating from last summer and it has lots of fresh leaves now so we'll definitely be foraging a bit of that while we wait for everything else to grow :)
Cable tie some C&C grids or thick chicken type wire?
Need to find some chicken wire or C&C grids then! Prefer to use C&C grids if poss. How big are C&C grids? I can measure up my run when I get home then see if I can fit them inside and if so how many I need. I have loads of cable ties.
Need to find some chicken wire or C&C grids then! Prefer to use C&C grids if poss. How big are C&C grids? I can measure up my run when I get home then see if I can fit them inside and if so how many I need. I have loads of cable ties.
14" / 36cm Square …. they are SO versatile - they make great fold away indoor runs and great outdoor run dividers .