Last night

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Mar 12, 2008
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Near Bridgend, south wales
My girls are in my boyfriend and mines bedroom. They're usually really good but last night was a different story.
They usually take turns over the weeks to rumble at eachother to show whos boss but its usually Greta who does it.
I think Iris is the boss and Greta's just trying and failing.

Well anyway, last night my boyfriend and I were woken by rumbling and talking squeeks and running around!
Greta has been trying to mount Iris so maybe it was that? But as i said they go through fazes. Could it be a horminal thing?
I just want to clarify they are both girls
Does anybody else's girls do this? I know this is common male behaviour so maybe i have a tom boy on my hands.
Also they're not the cwtch together type, perhaps them being mother and daughter puts a strain on the relationship.
Yep girls can do this when hormonal. Fleur used to do it to Flora. They were teenagers at the time. Sometimes it would go on for 3 days! I have noticed Pearl doing it to my other 3 sows now and she is going through the hormonal stage. :)
Yeah i thought it was hormonal. They're 4&5 years old though. It can go on for about a week sometimes. I dont think they're talking after last night ::) Silly billys.
Do your girls cwtch up together or do they just tolerate eachother?
I just hope they sort it out, they usually do.
Thanks for replying so quicky! x
Flora and Fleur are sisters they were one in May but I didn't get them until August 2007 so will have a party then! Any excuse for a knees

Pearl and Amber have always been cage mates they are 6 months old I got them mainly for Fleur as she was hormonal and I thought maybe a babe or two would calm her down and it worked, she mothers the 2 babes while Flora is big sister.

Before I got the babes Fleur would just tolerate Flora but now they seem closer now they are older. The older girls tend to be with Amber mostly as Pearl is a little tom boy always up to mischief i'm hoping she'll calm down she's so funny. :)
Aww they sounds so lovely and happy!
They're both zoinked out sleeping at the moment, they were awake for a long time last night. and kept me awake too! ::)
It was funny though..when i gave them a telling off there was silence for about 5 minutes then they'd start again ;D
Haha they do listen for a little bit then they are back to doing it! Twinkle sprays on my lap he is so randy! >:D I tell him off and he stops only to start 5 minutes later! ;D
hahahaha! 2funny What a naughty boy! Greta sometimes wees a little bit in my hand when i pick her up and she doesnt like it,
either that or she has a wet bum as she likes to lie in everything and anything wet!
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